Health for humans, animals & plants

Ovitrap Monitoring of alien mosquito species in Austria - Annual Report 2022.

| 3 min read
Wissen Aktuell Climate Public health

The aim of this study is to implement an Austria-wide mosquito monitoring program using ovitraps ("egg-laying traps") to record the occurrence and distribution of alien and potentially invasive mosquito species in Austria.

Alien and potentially invasive mosquito species are potential vectors of a variety of pathogens and thus pose a threat to public health. Through this project, new populations of these species can be detected at an early stage, enabling timely countermeasures to be taken, and the development of existing populations can be monitored. Furthermore, the data obtained can be used to detect spatial and temporal changes in the occurrence of alien gnat species by using a uniform method throughout Austria.

The tiger mosquito (Ae. albopictus) was able to spread significantly in Austria compared to the previous year and has been detected in all federal provinces for the first time. Especially in parts of Vienna and Graz this species is already established and occurs there in large numbers. It is therefore strongly recommended that intensive monitoring and countermeasures involving the population take place in these affected areas in order to try to decimate the population and to prevent (or at least slow down) further spread. However, due to the significantly increased occurrence of the tiger mosquito compared to the previous year, there is an increased risk of further populations becoming established (especially in the Linz area). At sites where the tiger mosquito has occurred only sporadically so far, care should be taken to continue monitoring these sites and to draw up anticipatory action plans for the control of this species so that, if the tiger mosquito is found repeatedly, it can be controlled quickly. The frequent findings at highway rest areas confirm the relevance of the spread via road traffic. In order to prevent further spread from these rest areas, care must be taken to ensure that the Asian tiger mosquito does not find any possible breeding grounds there.

The Japanese bush mosquito (Ae. japonicus) is now found in all provinces of Austria, and is particularly widespread in the south. This species will no longer be eradicated in Austria.

The Korean bush mosquito (Ae. koreicus) has been found only sporadically so far, but due to the very similar climatic requirements this species will probably spread further in Austria.

| 3 min read
Wissen Aktuell Climate Public health

Last updated: 14.09.2022

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