Cultivation of rare agricultural crops within the framework of ÖPUL 2023

This information portal provides an overview of rare agricultural crops (SLK) under the special guideline ÖPUL 2023 for the promotion of environmentally sound, extensive agriculture that protects the natural habitat. The cultivation of rare agricultural crops is promoted within the framework of "Environmentally sound and biodiversity-promoting management" (1A) and "Organic farming" (1B) in ÖPUL 2023 in the form of a premium supplement.

Here you will find important information on the eligible species and varieties, on how to obtain seeds and variety samples, as well as cultivation and use characteristics of the plants and the propagation and provision of seeds.

The objective of the funding measure Cultivation of Rare Agricultural Crops (SLK) in the Agri-environmental Program ÖPUL 2023 is the conservation and development of biodiversity in agricultural production through the cultivation and use of rare, regionally valuable agricultural crops (varieties and species) as well as the preservation and enhancement of genetic diversity as an important tool for adaptation to changing climatic conditions. Furthermore, the knowledge about the cultivation, conservation and use of rare varieties and species shall be preserved and promoted.

Funding guidelines

The cultivation of rare agricultural crops is promoted in the measure Environmentally sound and biodiversity-promoting management [UBB] (1A), as well as measure Organic farming (1B).

Special guideline ÖPUL 2023 (including organic regulations) (

AMA - AgrarMarkt Austria

Variety list / Variety descriptions

Below you will find more detailed descriptions and information on the individual varieties.

The variety description and the address for seed or material purchase can be called up by mouse click. Where this is not possible, no relevant information is currently available. However, work is in progress to update the data on an ongoing basis.

The variety descriptions available here are generally transcripts of historical descriptions. The property classifications made therein may therefore differ from a more recent examination.

Cereals, millet and corn Buckwheat, legumes / pulses, potatoes, and stubble beet. Oil and fiber crops Vegetables

Cereals, millet and corn

Winter rye (Secale cereale)

Variety description Material reference
Chrysanth Hanser rye Seeds
Jaufenthaler Variety sample
St. John's rye / Forest perennial rye Seed trade
Kaltenberg Seeds
Carinthian Variety Samples
Lindorf rye Seed
Lungau Tauern 2 Seed
Upper Carinthia Seed
Pölstaler Winter Rye Seed
Schlägler Seed
Tschermaks Refined Marchfields Variety sample
Urdroad Seed

Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum)

Variety description Material reference
Attergauer beard wheat Seed
Laufen wheat Seed
Loosdorfer Austro Bankut awns Variety sample
Marienhof cob Variety sample
Rinner Winter Wheat Seed
Ritzlhofer Variety sample
Rosso Seed
Sipbachzeller Variety sample
Improved St. Johanner Seeds
Verival wheat Seed


Winter spelt(Triticum spelta)

Variety description Material reference
Attergauer spelt Seeds
Ebner's red grain Seed
Ostro Seed
Steiner's Red Tyrolean Seed

Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare)

Variety description Material reference
Heines Haisa II Seed
Tyrolean Imperial (Fisser barley) Seed
Six-row pumper Seed
Improved pumper barley Variety sample


Summer rye (Secale cereale)

Variety description Material reference
St. Leonhard Variety sample
Tyrol Seed

Spring wheat(Triticum aestivum)

Variety description Material reference
Carinthian Early Seeds
Ruby Seed
Tyrolean begrannter Binkel Variety sample
Tyrolean early Binkel Variety sample
Tyrolean medium early Binkel Variety sample

Oats(Avena sativa) and naked oats(Avena nuda)

Variety description Material reference
Flag oats (all origins and varieties) Seed trade
Naked oat (all origins and varieties) Seed trade
Obernberger black oat Seeds

Einkorn (Triticum monococcum) and Emmer (Triticum dicoccum)

Variety description Material reference
Einkorn (all origins and varieties) Seed trade
Emmer (all origins and varieties) Seed trade

Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), foxtail millet(Setaria italica) and panicle millet (Panicum miliaceum)

Variety description Material reference
Kornberg grain millet Seeds
Pipsi Variety sample
Tyrolean millet Variety sample

Maize (Zea mays)

Variety description Material reference
Old red house corn Variety sample
Gailtal white corn Variety sample
Gleisdorf sweet corn Seed
Kematener Variety sample
Knillis country corn Seed
Pitztaler Yellow Variety sample
Vorarlberg Riebel maize Seed

Buckwheat, legumes / pulses, potatoes and stubble beet

Buckwheat(Fagopyum esculentum)

Variety description Material reference
Bamby Seeds
Billy Seeds
Carinthian Hadn Seeds

Red clover(Trifolium pratense)

Variety description Material reference
Styrian clover (conservation variety) Seeds
Attergauer red clover Seed

Sasquatch c lover(Trigonella caerulea)

Variety description Material reference
Sasquatch clover (all origins and varieties) Seed trade


Sunflower(Helianthus annuus)

Variety description Material purchase
Greenino 1 Seeds


Bush bean(Phaseolus vulgaris)

Variety description Material reference
Rotholz Seeds


Potato (Solanum tuberosum)

Variety description Material purchase
Ackersegen currently no planting material available
Goldsegen Planting material
Linzer Delicacy currently no planting material available
Linzer Rose Planting material
Nagler Kipfler Planting material
Mealy Mühlviertler Planting material
Pinki Planting material

Stubble beet(Brassica rapa subsp. rapa)

Variety description Material reference
Stubble beet (all origins and varieties) Seed trade

Oil and fibre plants

Linseed (Linum usitatissimum)

Variety description Material sourcing
Ötztal seed

Camelina (Camelina sativa)

Variety description Material sourcing
Calena seed

Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

Variety description Material reference
Noble red Seed
Noble white Seed
Florian Seeds
Waldviertler grey poppy Variety samples
White seed poppy Variety samples


Onion(Allium cepa) and shallot (Allium ascalonicum)

Variety description Material reference
Yellow Laa Seeds
Laaer pink lotus Seeds
Red Laaer Seeds
Snow white Unterstinkenbrunner Seeds
Schoderleer onion Seeds
Tundra Seeds
Viennese bronze ball Seeds
Wiro Seed

Swede(Brassica napus)

Variety description Material reference
Tarko Seeds

Legal basis for seeds

According to the Seed Act 1997, seed and potato planting material may only be marketed with appropriate approval or certification.

I.e.: purchased seed must be approved and the container must have a label. These may be cultivars or conservation varieties.


The varieties, which are registered in the Austrian Variety List, but also in the European Variety Catalogue, must undergo a register test, as well as a value test (not for vegetables), in which their value-determining characteristics are determined.

Non-approved varieties or origins

Seeds of non-approved varieties (e.g. old landraces or other origins) of agricultural crops cannot be marketed, but only propagated for own use. However, there is a possibility of approval as a conservation variety.

Conservation varieties

If landraces or old varieties (already eliminated from the Austrian Variety List) are re-approved, they are called conservation varieties. However, the scope of marketing is limited in terms of quantity.

Passing on of seed

The exchange or transfer of small quantities for the protection of plant genetic resources is possible according to § 4(3) Seed Ordinance.

If no seed is available of a variety, one can only obtain a variety sample and propagate it oneself. The distribution of variety samples from the gene bank of AGES can only be done in small quantities. However, it may happen that the gene bank first has to propagate the material.

If a variety is protected, (national or European plant variety protection), propagation in commercial traffic requires the consent of the holder of the plant variety protection.

More information can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Food Safety

Organic Plant Propagating Material Database

According to Regulation (EU) 2018/848, the use of plant propagating material including seeds produced according to the conditions of organic farming is mandatory.

The AGES database can be used to check whether appropriate organic propagation material is available.

Organic seed database


For questions about the grant, contact the grant processing office.

Last updated: 23.07.2024

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