Broad Bean Weevil and Pea Weevil

Bruchus rufimanus and Bruchus pisorum


Broad bean and pea weevils are field pests. The larvae eat circular holes in the seeds of field beans and peas, causing damage.


The beetles are about 3-5 mm long, blackish, with brown, white-speckled elytra.


The female beetles lay eggs on the growing pods. The hatched larvae bore into the pods, eat circular holes in the seeds and pupate. Some of the young beetles leave the seeds before harvest, but some remain in the crop.

Damage symptoms

Damaged seeds have a circular cylindrical hole. If the seed coat has not yet been completely punctured by the beetle, these areas are also recognizable as circular "windows".

Host plants

The beetle is found in peas and field beans, respectively.


Verstärkt in Regionen mit höherer Anbaubedeutung von Erbsen und Ackerbohnen.

Ausbreitung und Übertragung

Der Schädling kann über das Saatgut in Regionen verschleppt werden in denen er noch nicht vorkommt.

Economic importance

The beetle causes feeding damage, which is likely to result in loss of germination capacity and an increase in the level of contamination (especially through infested farm-saved seed). In case of heavy infestation, yield losses may also occur. The beetle is exclusively an outdoor pest and not a storage pest.

Prevention and control

Last updated: 11.09.2023

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