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Consumer:inside protection on the Internet

| 1 min read
Company Human

Buying food, cosmetics and toys online is booming. But beware: many of these products do not comply with legal requirements.

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Austrian consumers are increasingly buying food and other items such as cosmetics and children's toys online. The complaint rate for inspections of online purchases of these product groups in foreign online shops (EU/EEA/third countries) carried out by the Federal Office of Consumer Health (BAVG) on the basis of complaints or rapid alert notifications, among other things, was 77 per cent in 2023 due to labelling defects or harmfulness to health.

Almost two thirds of Austrian consumers regularly shop online. However, the majority of official inspections still take place in brick-and-mortar stores. Since the beginning of 2022, synergies between BAVG and AGES have therefore been utilised in the context of official internet controls, including online research, technical framework conditions and sampling.

The inspection activities of the BAVG concern all internet providers of goods subject to the Foodstuffs and Consumer Protection Act (LMSVG) whose registered office is located outside Austria in the European Single Market or third countries and who offer their products for sale in Austria. The official control of online trade by Austrian online providers is carried out by the competent state authorities.

Further information on Internet shopping in Austria

| 1 min read
Company Human

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