Health for humans, animals & plants

Raw milk always boil

| 1 min read
Human Animal

Raw milk is not sterile. Therefore, even despite all hygiene measures during milking, it cannot be ruled out that the milk contains pathogens. Therefore, raw milk should always be boiled before consumption.

Raw milk is only filtered and cooled after milking. Milking in a cow shed is not a sterile process: Therefore, contamination of raw milk with pathogens such as Listeria, Campylobacter or STEC (Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli) can never be completely ruled out, even with exemplary milking hygiene.

Infections with these bacteria can lead to serious diseases with possibly life-threatening consequences. Young children, the elderly, pregnant women and immunocompromised persons in particular are at increased risk.

Raw milk that is sold directly to consumers, e.g. via raw milk vending machines or in farm stores, must therefore bear the notice "Raw milk, boil before consumption". During regular focus inspections, we check whether raw milk has an increased bacterial load and whether it is correctly labeled.

| 1 min read
Human Animal

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