Health for humans, animals & plants

Giant ticks as stowaways

| 2 min read
Human Animal

Until now, it was assumed that giant ticks of the species Hyalomma marginatum travelled to Austria with migratory birds. Our experts have now described a new mode of travel for these ticks for the first time: they arrive by car.

This previously unknown way of introducing Hyalomma from its original habitat to the north has now been scientifically described for the first time in the scientific journal "Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases".

As part of an AGES Citizen Science project, people have the opportunity to report ticks that resemble Hyalomma marginatum, i.e. ticks that are larger than the native tick species and have yellow striped legs. In May and June 2024, AGES experts were contacted by several people who had discovered these ticks in their car while travelling home from Croatia or after returning home. Croatia is the closest region to Austria where Hyalomma ticks are endemic.

Tick nymphs, the penultimate developmental stage of ticks, usually reach Austria via migratory birds. The nymphs need a blood meal and time to develop into adult ticks. The ticks that have now been analysed were adult male and female specimens. This increases the probability of mating and favours the establishment of a population in Austria. It can also be assumed that more ticks will enter Austria unnoticed with tourists. This study is therefore essential for understanding the potential colonisation of new ticks in areas where this species has not previously been found.

Significance for health

The 5 to 6 millimetre tick species Hyalomma marginatum is important for public health as it is a vector for the Crimean-Congo fever virus and other pathogens such as rickettsia. The molecular biological tests did not reveal any evidence of Crimean-Congo fever virus. However, Rickettsia aeschlimannii was detected in one specimen. Rickettsiae are a genus of bacteria that cause a group of diseases, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus. However, diseases with a source of infection in Austria have not been documented in recent decades.

Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases: Hyalomma marginatum - A silent stowaway after holiday at the Adriatic Sea - ScienceDirect

AGES tick project:

| 2 min read
Human Animal

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