Health for humans, animals & plants

7 June is Food Safety Day

Food is safer today than ever before. This is ensured by a dense network of monitoring and control programmes that start in the field and in the barn and end on the plate.

Harmful substances or pathogens are everywhere in the environment and, despite high standards in food production, can enter our food via plants and animals. With the One Health approach - which means that the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment are closely interwoven - we can recognise negative effects as early as possible and provide the food authorities with the information they need to take countermeasures.

Specific risks in food are monitored by means of so-called priority actions. These include, for example, unauthorised irradiation, certain residues such as mould toxins or pesticides, but also antibiotic-resistant germs in meat or genetically modified organisms.

We regularly publish the results of these focus campaigns.

Together with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and 16 other EU countries, we are addressing the issue of food safety with the #Safe2EatEU campaign.

You can find more information and tips on food safety here.

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