Health for humans, animals & plants

Review of self-inspection in authorised high-risk establishments that handle and process food of animal origin

| 1 min read

Final report of the priority action A-600-23

This priority action served to check the implementation of the general and specific hygiene requirements and the verification of self-checks in authorised high-risk businesses (businesses that handle and process food of animal origin).

294 food samples from all over Austria were analysed. A total of five food samples were rejected:

  • three out of 161 milk samples: one sample due to unacceptable contamination with Escherichia coli, one sample due to its texture and histamine content at the end of the shelf life, one sample due to labelling deficiencies
  • two of 37 fish samples (contamination with Listeria monocytogenes)
| 1 min read

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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