Health for humans, animals & plants

Toy scooter and toy buggy safety

| 1 min read
Main focus Toy

Final report of the priority action A-015-18

The aim of the focus action "Safety of toy scooters and toy buggies" was to examine whether and to what extent the toy scooters and toy buggies on the Austrian market meet the European safety requirements for toys and to remove dangerous products from circulation. 30 samples - 18 scooters and twelve toy buggies (doll buggies) - from all over Austria were examined. A total of 22 samples were rejected. In the "scooter" category, 15 samples were objected to:

  • four scooters had technical defects
  • three scooters contained prohibited plasticizers
  • numerous labeling deficiencies such as missing warnings or assembly instructions and missing or deficient declarations of conformity

In the category "toy buggies", 7 samples were rejected.

  • one sample had safety-related defects
  • one sample contained prohibited plasticizers
  • numerous labeling deficiencies, such as deficiencies in the warnings or missing assembly instructions, missing or deficient declarations of conformity.
| 1 min read
Main focus Toy

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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