Health for humans, animals & plants

Heavy metals and UV-active substances in children's cosmetics

| 1 min read
Main focus Cosmetician Pollutants

Final Report of Priority Action A-007-20

The aim of the focus action was to check products advertised specifically for children for composition and declaration. 32 samples from all over Austria were examined. Eleven samples were rejected (in some cases several times):

  • in one make-up set, the guideline values for arsenic were exceeded in the eye shadow and the rouge
  • In four samples, analytically proven substances were not listed in the inventory. These were two preservatives (phenoxyethanol and dichlorobenzyl alcohol), one non-ionic surfactant (octoxynol-9) and allergenic fragrances.
  • for two products the notification in the European CPNP database was missing
  • in the case of one hair chalk, the list of ingredients included a dye (CI 45380) that is not permitted as a hair colorant
  • for two products, parts of the labeling on the containers were missing
  • one carnival make-up set lacked the precautionary and warning information for use in German.
| 1 min read
Main focus Cosmetician Pollutants

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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