Health for humans, animals & plants

Perfluorinated alkyl substances in drinking water - monitoring

| 1 min read
Drinks Pollutants

Final report of the priority action A-751-24

The aim of the monitoring campaign was to determine the possible contamination of drinking water throughout Austria with perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS), the presence of which is suspected or cannot be ruled out.

343 samples from all over Austria were analysed.

  • No sample was rejected

The parameter "PFAS sum" was included in the new version of the Austrian Drinking Water Ordinance in February 2024 and has since been regulated at national level. "PFAS sum" refers to the sum of 20 perfluorinated and polyfluorinated alkyl substances that are considered to be of concern with regard to water for human consumption.
The parameter value of the "PFAS sum" was set at 0.10 µg/l in accordance with Drinking Water Ordinance Annex I, Part B, whereby this value must be complied with by the operators of water supply systems from 12 January 2026.

| 1 min read
Drinks Pollutants

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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