The aim of the focus action "Aflatoxins in nuts and oilseeds" was to verify compliance with the maximum levels regulated in Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006. A total of 39 samples from all over Austria were examined:
- Two samples showed an exceedance of the specified maximum levels and were objected to as harmful to health.
Mycotoxins such as aflatoxins are natural, secondary metabolites of molds, some of which are toxic to humans or can contribute to the development of cancer. Very high levels can have an acute toxic effect; chronic ingestion of low levels can lead to organ damage. The molds relevant for foodstuffs attack the grain already in the field (field molds) or arise during storage (storage molds), transport and further processing. Mycotoxins are largely heat-stable and are therefore not usually destroyed during food processing. To date, more than 250 mold species are known to form more than 300 different mycotoxins.