Other information systems
Digital soil map "eBOD"
Since 2004, essential parts of the Digital Soil Map have been available to the public under the name "eBOD". This comprehensive service is a cooperation between the BFW and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW). eBOD allows users to search for specific soil information, display it and export it as a PDF file - it is thus primarily an information portal for a wide range of users.
The 2018 revised version has a modern and user-friendly design, has GPS positioning of the current location and can be used on mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones in the field.
Numerous thematic analyses complete the eBOD's range of applications and leave room for future extensions. The legend dynamically adapts to the selected map section. High-resolution colour orthophotos and the topographic map Basemap (basemap.at) are used as background maps.
A powerful browser-based GIS client is available to the user. The desired map section can be accessed via an improved address search, direct coordinate entry or via the current location. Advanced features such as GPS support, printing and geodata import round off the new application. All thematic maps available in the eBOD can be integrated into websites and QGIS free of charge.
Further information is available at
BORIS Soil Information System of the Federal Government and the Federal Provinces
Since 1999, the Environment Agency Austria has been operating the BORIS soil information system in cooperation with the soil experts of the Federal Provinces, the Federal Government and other specialised institutions such as the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) or the Federal Forest Research Centre (BFW).
BORIS was born out of the fundamental need to make the heterogeneous soil data inventories available in Austria comparable and centrally accessible. This was made possible thanks to the willingness of soil experts from the specialised agencies of all Austrian provinces and other institutions to cooperate. The administration and management of BORIS is carried out by the Environment Agency Austria in consultation with the data authors and the participating institutions (BORIS user advisory board). The operation of BORIS is currently financed by the BMK51.
Due to the special structure and centralisation of the data as well as the exemplary cooperation, BORIS serves as an instrument for the implementation of soil protection measures in Austria and at the European level.
Currently, BORIS contains more than 1.5 million data records from more than 10,000 sites in Austria.
This includes area-wide soil data of the Federal Government and the Provinces (Soil Condition Inventories, Austrian Forest Soil Condition Inventory) as well as numerous individual studies on specific topics (pollutant inputs by emitters, organic pollutants, etc.).
The range of soil information in BORIS is broad and reflects the soil parameters collected in the studies, so that about 600 parameters are available, with varying availability depending on the study.
Further information:
Valuable agricultural land in Austria
As part of the federal-provincial project "Land requirements for food security in Austria (BEAT)", the areas that should be reserved for agricultural production due to their high productivity were identified. The data can be downloaded from the Internet and is also available as an interactive map.
Further information can be found at
Soil-relevant information systems of the federal states
Individual federal states operate information systems in order to document or provide their soil information such as soil inventory data, soil function maps, etc.
SAGIS - Geographical Information System for Salzburg
SAGIS integrates comprehensive geographic information for the province of Salzburg on a wide range of topics such as agriculture and forestry, energy, geology and raw materials, nature and much more, including base maps. In the field of soils, this mainly concerns data for the soil condition inventory or the soil duration monitoring as well as for the evaluation of soil functions (maps).
Further information:
Environmental Information Styria
The Geoinformation System Styria provides environmental data for the province of Styria. The internet portal currently contains more than 2,500 contributions on a wide range of topics such as air, energy, health, spatial planning, soil and many more. For soil, data collected within the framework of the Styrian Agricultural Soil Protection Programme are integrated.
Further information:
tiris - Tyrolean Spatial Information System
The tiris spatial information system of the state of Tyrol systematically stores spatial data in the tiris data pool. This data forms the basis for geoinformation such as tirisMaps and geodata services for official and public use on the Internet.
Further information:
DORIS - Digital Spatial Information System Upper Austria
In addition to basic maps, DORIS provides comprehensive information on specialised topics such as health, agriculture and forestry, environment and nature, and much more. In relation to soil, information is available on soil function assessment (maps), soil types, soil nature trails and soil alliance communities.
Further information:
Last updated: 27.02.2025
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