Farmer creates knowledge

Through target group-specific information and educational materials, a better understanding of agricultural production and the connections between agriculture, the environment and nutrition is created.
The educational materials for pedagogues were created especially for primary and lower secondary schools. They contain both technical information for educators and didactically prepared documents for direct use in the classroom. "What would my breakfast look like without insect pollination? What do we have to thank for plant breeding and what does it have to do with climate change? What is soil made of and who lives in it? What does a plant need to live? What do oats actually look like and what are they used for? What fruits and vegetables are grown in Austria and where do they grow?"
Educators can work through these and other exciting questions with the class using these educational materials. The content has been divided into the following six topics:
Within the framework of the project, suitcases with grain seeds were purchased for use in class. These will be given free of charge to interested schools if they are collected in Vienna, Spargelfeldstraße 191, 1220 Vienna. If collection is not possible, shipping costs of € 12 will be charged. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to The offer is valid while stocks last.

Last updated: 31.10.2023
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