Health for humans, animals & plants

Risk barometer physicians

| 1 min read
Wissen Aktuell Climate Risk perception

For the first time, the Risk Barometer for Physicians has determined the assessment of risks in the area of health, food safety and nutrition by physicians in Austria.

In terms of general risks, physicians are most concerned about climate change and environmental pollution. In terms of the environment, land use, the effect of pesticides on the environment and the loss of semi-natural habitats are the risks that most worry physicians.

In the area of health, antibiotic resistance and weather extremes are the risks most likely to affect health, according to the physicians surveyed. In food safety, microplastics and residues in food are the risks most likely to have adverse health effects, according to physicians.

In terms of nutritional risks, malnutrition, overeating and sugar content in food are the most likely to have a negative impact on the health of the Austrian population. To obtain information on risk topics, physicians use various sources and forms of presentation.

| 1 min read
Wissen Aktuell Climate Risk perception

Last updated: 14.09.2022

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