Health for humans, animals & plants

Risk Barometer 2024 - Risk perception and risk assessment of different target groups in comparison

| 1 min read
Risk perception

With the Risk Barometer 2024, we compared the risk assessment of different occupational groups with the Austrian population and AGES experts.

The risk barometer regularly determines how the Austrian population perceives the risk of various influencing factors on their own health. This year, the focus of the risk barometer is on comparing the risk assessment of different occupational groups and the Austrian population in comparison with AGES experts.

In 2024, the greatest concerns across all professional groups surveyed and the population are climate change, environmental pollution and social inequality.

The risk assessment of the target groups analysed in the areas of health, food safety, nutrition and the environment shows statistically significant differences between the occupational groups and the population for most of the risks surveyed. Antibiotic resistance, malnutrition or overeating, heat, sugar content in the diet, weather extremes, the effect of pesticides on the environment, supply bottlenecks for medicines, pathogens, the effects of hormone-like substances and microplastics in food are rated as the most likely overall by the average of all respondents.

| 1 min read
Risk perception

Last updated: 14.09.2022

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