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HIV in Austria - Summary of the HIV Cohort Report 2023

| 1 min read
Public health

In Austria, most HIV-infected people are recorded and treated in the HIV cohort (AHIVCOS). An association of now nine clinics looks after patients according to a standardised system, thus also enabling comparative research.

Assuming that AHIVCOS is representative for Austria, the total estimate using the modelling tool of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) for people living with HIV in Austria at the end of 2022 is 11,860. This is an overestimate, as the recording of people who have left the country is very incomplete (e.g. migrant workers from Europe who mainly work in the tourism industry, rejection of asylum applications). According to the umbrella organisation of social insurance institutions, 7,768 people received treatment with anti-HIV drugs ("antiretroviral therapy -ART") in 2022, 64% of whom were cared for by AHIVCOS treatment centres. Using the ECDC tool, it can be estimated that between 86.5 % and 92.2 % of people with HIV in Austria are receiving antiretroviral therapy. This results in an estimate of 8,400 to 9,000 people in Austria living with HIV at the end of 2022.

| 1 min read
Public health

Last updated: 14.09.2022

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