On July 20, 2017, it was reported via the European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) that chicken eggs in Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany were contaminated with the insecticide fipronil. As a result, eggs, egg products and egg-containing products were also tested for fipronil in Austria. As of Oct. 31, 2017, 311 samples from all over Austria were tested. Fipronil could be detected in 54 samples. 19 samples were rejected: In them, the maximum level for fipronil was exceeded. There was no health risk, neither acutely nor if contaminated products had been eaten over a longer period of time. The 311 samples were fresh eggs, retail foods containing eggs, and egg products such as whole eggs, liquid eggs, egg white powder, egg yolk powder, confectionery whites, boiled and peeled eggs, etc. Processed products (mayonnaise, bakery products such as Gugelhupf, Eierbiskotten, Spritzgebäck, Krapfen, Linzeraugen, Strudel and cakes, but also banana slices, profiteroles, Tiramisu as well as bread dumplings, cheese noodles, letters for soup and baked peas) were also examined.
Last updated: 14.09.2022
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