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Excess mortality in Austria based on the EuroMOMO model, 2017-2020, update 08.01.2021.

| 1 min read
Wissen Aktuell Public health

Since 2014, Austria has been part of the EuroMOMO network for monitoring weekly all-cause mortality and estimating excess mortality.

Based on the EuroMOMO model, there was one week of medium and 8 weeks of low excess mortality in Austria in 2020 up to calendar week 42. Since calendar week 43, we observe an increase in excess mortality, which is classified as very high for calendar weeks 47 to 50. Weeks 51 and 52 show a slight easing with high and medium excess mortality, respectively. In the four-year comparison 2017-2020, 2020 is the year with the highest cumulative excess mortality.

As the Austrian representative, AGES has been a partner of the EuroMOMO network since 2014. EuroMOMO is a Europe-wide surveillance system of all-cause mortality (MOrtalitätsMOnitoring) in the general population. This network has developed a method that estimates excess mortality based on the time series of weekly all-cause mortality (MAZICK et al., 2012; NIELSEN et al., 2013). Results are published weekly at and also in journals (VESTERGAARD et al., 2020).

Lukas Richter (1,2), Daniela Schmid ( 1), Ernst Stadlober (2) 1 Department of Infection Epidemiology & Surveillance, AGES 2 Institute of Statistics, Graz University of Technology.

| 1 min read
Wissen Aktuell Public health

Last updated: 14.09.2022

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