Health for humans, animals & plants

Arsenic in drinking water

| 1 min read
Food Safety

Due to the change in the reference value for the assessment of inorganic arsenic by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in January 2024, the following risk assessment on arsenic in drinking water was prepared.

A parameter value of 10 μg/L is set for arsenic in drinking water in the Austrian Drinking Water Ordinance. Inorganic arsenic is a genotoxic carcinogen. In its re-evaluation of inorganic arsenic, the EFSA was unable to define a safe range. The exposure calculation has shown that a concentration of 10 μg of inorganic arsenic per litre, which corresponds to the currently valid parameter value, is already associated with high exposure, especially in young children and infants. In addition, inorganic arsenic is also absorbed through food and inhalation (e.g. cigarette smoke).

For this reason, it is recommended not to make any exceptions to the currently valid parameter value, but to take measures to reduce arsenic levels and, if necessary, to inform the affected population so that the risks can be reduced, especially for sensitive population groups.

| 1 min read
Food Safety

Last updated: 14.09.2022

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