Health for humans, animals & plants

Strenghtening plant health research programming and collaboration: from European to global phytosanitary research coordination

Euphresco III

Initial situation/scientific issue

Global trade, extensive travel and climate change are increasing the risks of introducing and spreading plant pests and diseases. These challenges in the plant protection field are not easy to overcome. However, through effective co-operation and coordinated measures, coping strategies can be continuously improved and adapted.

In this effort, the Euphresco network, a European initiative to coordinate research in the field of plant health, has grown considerably in recent years. This growth has raised the need to extend the tasks of the network, its geographical scope and the responsibilities of its members. The EUPHRESCO III project will provide the necessary resources to successfully accomplish this strategic and crucial work.

Project description/methodology

The overall objective of EUPHRESCO III is to improve the national and regional coordination of phytosanitary research and to promote the development of a global network in this field. This will create the foundation for global coordination of research in the field of plant protection.

The EUPHRESCO III project focuses on the following tasks:

The creation of a strategic research agenda that guides phytosanitary research activities in the partner countries. This agenda supports the countries in addressing regional and global challenges by identifying synergies with other parts of the world.

Implementing joint calls on aligned research priorities, with the aim of initiating research projects and promoting international collaboration. The ongoing evaluation of these projects ensures their relevance and effectiveness in terms of research funding and policy.

The development and testing of models for the administration, structure and operation of a global network for the coordination of phytosanitary research.

Intensive collaboration with stakeholders in the field of plant protection research. This includes the promotion of knowledge exchange, participation in project activities and the joint development, dissemination and adoption of results.


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