SHARP - Strengthened International Health Regulations and Preparedness in the EU


The SHARP project has strengthened EU countries' ability to prevent, detect and respond to biological disease outbreaks, chemical contamination and environmental and unknown threats to human health.

Project description

The readiness to deal with health emergencies is at a high level throughout Europe. However, there is a need to improve cooperation between the EU member states and other European countries. The SARS epidemic in 2002 had already shown that countries largely reacted individually to new threats. EU-wide joint measures were not taken. It has become clear that the EU's joint efforts need to be stepped up. Therefore, the SHARP project was launched to improve the EU health security framework in accordance with Decision 1082/2013/EU on serious cross-border threats to health and to prevent problems that were already identified before the COVID-19 pandemic emerged.

SHARP was divided into several work packages covering the core capacities in the field of public health in accordance with the IHR 2005 (International Health Regulations). The IHR are binding international regulations of the World Health Organisation (WHO) to combat the cross-border spread of diseases.


The following results were achieved within the SHARP project:

  • Methodology, tools and recommendations to improve the implementation and evaluation of IHR
  • Model agreement for cross-border, cross-sectoral cooperation between neighbouring countries
  • Consensus on the core elements of a multisectoral preparedness and response plan and related tools
  • EMERGE laboratory network for highly pathogenic bacteria and viruses
  • Guidance for the improvement of biorisk management in European laboratories (EBRM Guidance Tool)
  • Methodology for assessing cross-sectoral training needs to strengthen IHR in individual countries
  • Training tools to strengthen IHR, including training material, curricula and online platform
  • Recommendations to establish a European chemical laboratory network to respond to serious chemical health threats
  • Chemical safety and chemical threats: SOPs for chemical health threats
  • Mapping of existing High Level Isolation Units dealing with rare or emerging infectious diseases with high risk potential and providing support in case of emergence of these diseases
  • Recommendations for the implementation of a syndrome-based clinical protocol

Benefits of the project

The aim of the SHARP project was to promote the readiness of the implementation of the IHR core capacities and to support EU Member States in the development of standard operating procedures. Among other things, it improved the coordination of EU Member States in relation to various global initiatives and strengthened the core functions of public health laboratories to ensure systems for the safe transmission of clinical samples for early detection and surveillance of outbreaks.


Projekttitel: Strengthened International Health Regulations and Preparedness in the EU

Projektakronym: SHARP

Projektleitung: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

Projektleitung AGES: Dr. Bernhard Benka

Projektpartner: Insgesamt beteiligten sich 30 Länder (24 EU-Staaten, 3 EWR/EFTA-Staaten und 3 weitere europäische Staaten) an dem Projekt.

Finanzierung: EU Health Programme

Projektlaufzeit: 04.2019 – 09.2023

Further information

Website of the SHARP project

Last updated: 04.09.2024

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