People are exposed to radon and other naturally occurring radioactive substances in the environment (NORM - Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material). The radiation emitted by these radioactive substances can have a negative impact on health. Radon enters the home via the soil and enters the lungs through breathing. Radon is one of the main causes of lung cancer.
Project description
The project is investigating the exposure and health effects of radon and NORM as well as measures to reduce exposure and increase risk awareness.
Specifically, answers to the following questions are being researched:
- How exactly does radiation affect health?
- How can protection against radon and NORM be efficiently regulated?
- What are the best methods for measuring radon and NORM?
- How can increased radiation be reduced?
- How can awareness of the health risk be promoted among the population?
The results are published on the project website.
The newsletter with the key results can also be found there.
Project details
Project title: Towards effective radiation protection based on improved scientific evidence and social considerations - focus on radon and NORM
Project acronym: RadoNORM
Project management: Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS), Germany
Project management AGES: DI Dr Wolfgang Ringer
Project partners: 57 organisations from 22 European countries. Details on the project partners on the project website
Funding : This project has received funding from the Euratom NFRP 2019-2020 under grant agreement No 900009
Project duration: 09.2020 - 08.2025
Last updated: 04.09.2024
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