Project description
Due to climate change and the associated global warming, certain pathogens are favoured. In particular, viruses transmitted by insects or arachnids (arboviruses) are increasingly finding conditions that allow them to spread further in Europe. These include, for example, the pathogens that cause Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, West Nile fever, Rift Valley fever and dengue fever. This poses a risk to public health and requires special monitoring. This is done in a so-called "One Health" approach. This involves analysing samples from humans, animals and the environment in the vicinity of the habitats of the disease vectors.
An analysis of the current mobile laboratory capacities revealed several shortcomings. Of 193 laboratories, 66% are intended for civilian use. Of these, 88% are used exclusively for human diagnostics. Of all laboratories, 11% have an accredited quality management system and only 3% have a laboratory with a BSL4 biosafety level.
The MOBILISE project aims to close this diagnostic gap by developing a novel, quality-assured "One Health" laboratory solution. The mobile laboratory focusses on molecular diagnostics, serology and microbiology of samples from different sources (humans, animals, environment). The project will also develop a platform for genome sequencing to identify pathogens and epidemiological analyses as well as rapid tests for certain BSL3/4 pathogens.
With the help of a new type of software based on artificial intelligence, the deployment of the MOBILISE laboratory is to be coordinated throughout Europe. With this software, outbreaks can be recognised in real time and transmitted to the responsible authorities.
The mobile laboratory is being trialled by national authorities and first responders in Austria, Romania, Greece and Africa up to Technological Readiness Level 7 (TRL-7). Another focus of MOBILISE is compliance with the European Green Deal: the laboratory equipment is to be powered by solar and wind energy.
Project details
Project title: A novel and green mobile One Health laboratory for (re-)emerging infectious disease outbreaks
Project acronym: MOBILISE
Project management: Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine
Project management AGES: Priv.-Doz. Dr Georg Duscher
Project partners: AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology, EXUS, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), Red Cross Bucharest, Beia Consult International, MDSC Systems OÜ, National Public Health Organisation (NPHO) Athens
Funding: Horizon Europe, HORIZON-CL3-2021-DRS-01-05: Fast deployed mobile laboratories to enhance situational awareness for pandemics and emerging infectious diseases
Project duration: 10.2022 - 09.2025

Last updated: 04.09.2024
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