Project description

NCDs (non-communicable diseases) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes make up the largest proportion of diseases in Europe, accounting for 80% of deaths. Non-communicable diseases are caused by a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioural factors. Around 60% of deaths are due to modifiable risk factors such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, overweight and obesity, and alcohol-related harm.
PreventNCD supports Member States in the planning and implementation of initiatives:
- Developing public health guidelines
- Developing and introducing new policies
- Participation in the pilot testing of innovative practices
- Developing support measures such as training and partnerships, health communication or health literacy
- Implementation of best practices in health promotion and disease prevention.
The action will increase public health measures in all Member States and improve prevention, health promotion and the management of non-communicable diseases. Our Nutrition & Prevention Centre is particularly involved in improving the implementation of and compliance with existing measures and regulations targeting the main risk factors of non-communicable diseases in the diet:
- Harmonisation of a nutritional profile
- Promotion of reformulation (e.g. reduction of sugar or salt in processed foods)
- Sustainable food system and public food procurement
- Nutrition labelling on the front of packaging
- (Online) food marketing and media literacy
Project details
Project title: Cancer and other NCDs prevention - action on health determinants
Project acronym: PreventNCD
Project management: Helsedirektoratet, Norway
Project management AGES: Dr Alexandra Wolf
Project partners: 108 partners from 25 European countries
Funding: EU funding programme - EU4Health; EU4H-2022-JA-02: Direct grants to Member States' authorities: Cancer and other NCDs prevention - action on health determinants
Projektlaufzeit: 01.2024-12.2027
Last updated: 04.09.2024
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