FoodSafeR - A common approach to identifying, assessing and addressing emerging food safety hazards


The FoodSafeR project aims to improve food safety in Europe. It promotes sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems and increases cooperation in the food sector.

Project description

In Europe, foodborne hazards such as bacteria, parasites, bacterial toxins and allergens cause illness and death every year. Chemical risks in food, which are often associated with the occurrence of toxins, are a growing cause for concern. Established European food safety management systems need to be constantly adapted and expanded to cope with new challenges such as climate change, new diseases and natural toxins in food.

This Horizon Europe project is developing the prerequisites for an innovative, proactive and holistic food safety alert and management system. FoodSafeR embodies integrated approaches to hazard characterisation and risk management in forward-looking case studies, tools, methods, strategies, models, guidelines and training materials. An accessible digital centre will be established as a "one-stop-shop" for risk assessment, food safety authorities and relevant actors and stakeholders in the European food system. To achieve this goal, a consortium of 18 organisations from 14 European countries is working together in the project.

This project is looking for innovative solutions to further improve the safety of food systems, which have come under considerable pressure from a number of factors. There is also a need for improved collaboration across the food sector and internationally, as well as the introduction of novel techniques, including big data and digital technologies.

Interim results

As a first step, all those involved were comprehensively informed about the importance, functionality and possible applications of the digital hub to be developed as part of the kick-off event and several online meetings. A "living lab" was held in Dublin in November 2023. Over two days, the structure, benefits and details of the subsequently developed FoodSafeR tool were worked out, and the digital hub is now in full operation.(FoodSafer)

Benefits of the project

The FoodSafeR project helps to prevent food safety incidents caused by biological and chemical hazards in the European food system and the associated socio-economic impacts.

FoodSafeR thus promotes sustainable, healthy and inclusive food systems. These offer benefits in terms of climate protection, sustainability, healthy nutrition, safe food consumption, community empowerment and thriving food businesses.

Project details

Project title: A joined-up approach to the identification, assessment and management of emerging food safety hazards and associated risks

Project acronym: FoodSafeR

Project management: FFoQSI - Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety & Innovation

Project management AGES: Priv.-Doz. Dr Teresa Valencak

Project partner: Universidad de Burgos, University of Gent Public Entity, Biosense Institute Research and Development Institute for Information Technologia, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Biomin Holding GmbH, Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Wageningen Universiteit, Food Safety Authoity of Ireland, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, National Veterinary Research Institute / Panstwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny (PIWET), Geoponiko Panepistimion Athinon (AUA), The Queens University of Belfast (QUB), IRIS Technology Solutions, sociedad limitada (IRIS), Barilla G.E.R. Fratelli Spa (BAR), Foodregsci Europe SAS (GFRS), BIGH Anderlecht, Societe des Produits Nestle SA (NR)

Funding: This project is funded by the EU Commission within the framework of Horizon Europe

Project duration: 01.2022 - 09.2026

Further information

Website of the project

Last updated: 02.10.2024

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