EJP Soil: Climate-friendly and sustainable management of agricultural soils


Soils are essential for agricultural use. Appropriate EU-wide research activities are required for climate-adapted and sustainable management of agricultural soils. In the European Joint Project (EJP) Soil, topics are defined, research projects are tendered and coordinated, and the implementation of the results is ensured.

Project description

Soil is an irreplaceable resource and the basis for agricultural production of food and feed. In order to ensure the long-term use of soil, the EJP Soil project is developing and working on topics for applied research on the climate-adapted and sustainable management of agriculturally used soils. To this end, calls for proposals are issued for both internal research projects for consortium members and external research projects carried out jointly with external partners. The projects are evaluated, their implementation coordinated, the results summarized and communicated, and practical implementation ensured.

Interim results

To date, 9 comprehensive reports and three policy briefs have been issued, as well as numerous newsletters and videos, 12 publications are published or in progress, and a special volume is in planning.


AGES Publication: Hendricks, S., Zechmeister-Boltenstern, S., Kandeler, E., Sandén, T., Diaz-Pines, E., Schnecker, J., Alber, O., Miloczki, J., & Spiegel, H. (2022). Agricultural management affects active carbon and nitrogen mineralization potential in soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 00, 1- 16. https://doi-1org-1001616941f15.pisces.boku.ac.at/10.1002/jpln.202100130.

Benefit of the project

The project is directly related to the task set out in the Health and Food Security Act to safeguard soil as a basis for agricultural production. Through EU-wide cooperation, expertise in this area can be further expanded. As the research results are also implemented in practice, the sustainable use of agricultural soils is improved.

Project details

Project acronym: EJP Soil

Project management: Institut National de la researche Agronomique (INRAE)

Project management AGES: Dr. Andreas Baumgarten

Project partners: 26 partners from 24 countries

Funding: EU funding program - Horizon 2020 - EJP SOIL

Project duration: 09/2019 to 08/2024

More information

Project website

Last updated: 08.07.2024

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