AgriWeedClim: New weed species under the influence of climate and land use changes in Central Europe.


Agriculture is influenced by various factors, such as climate change, biological invasions, changes in land use and increasing intensification of land use. These factors also have an impact on weed species. New weed species are arriving in Central Europe, causing considerable yield losses and control costs. The AgriWeedClim project is analysing the changes in the weed flora in Central Europe. In addition, recommendations are being developed to minimise the spread and negative consequences of newly emerging weed species.

Project description

The AgriWeedClim project analyses historical changes in the composition of weed communities in Central Europe caused by changes in land use, the introduction of alien species and climate change. Questions are answered as to which weed species have declined, increased or become newly established in the past. Key factors that led to the changes in the composition of the weed flora are thus identified. From these results, the most important new and emerging weed species will be identified and the future spread of these species will be predicted based on land use and climate change trends. In a next step, risk areas for new and emerging weed species will be identified. In addition, a package of measures to limit future spread is provided and the impact of new and emerging weed species on agriculture is described.


A database (AgriWeedClim database) was set up, which currently contains more than 32,000 vegetation images of fields from Central Europe. In addition, various data (e.g. ecological indicator values, biogeographical status) on the individual weed species were collected. The analyses of the changes in the weed flora show that the weed flora in Central Europe has undergone significant changes over the last 90 years. The increase and decrease (species turnover) of weed species is very pronounced. In particular, weed species with a preference for nutrient-rich sites are becoming more common. This analysis also confirmed that neophytes are a group that is increasingly spreading. As part of the project, an Austria-wide online survey was also conducted among 181 farms. This survey showed that the farms were aware of a change in the weed flora on their farms. The majority of the farms surveyed stated that previously unknown weed species were appearing in their fields. 15 new and emerging weed species (12 species and 3 genera) were identified. Species that require attention include ragweed, aleppo millet, tiger nutsedge, datura and knotweed species. Cultivation regions heavily affected by current climatic conditions are located in south-east Styria, the Weinviertel and Waldviertel regions and the Innviertel. Climate change will ensure that the potential distribution area for the majority of the weed species analysed will increase.

Benefits of the project

  • Farmers/advisors will be able to recognise new and emerging weed species and take action.
  • New insights into the interaction between climate change and land use change on the spread of weed species in agriculture and the impacts they cause.

Project details

Project title: New weed species under the influence of climate and land use change in Central Europe

Project acronym: AgriWeedClim

Project management: University of Vienna

Project management AGES: Dr Swen Follak, Institute for Sustainable Plant Production

Project partners: University of Vienna, Masaryk University (Brno)

Funding: KPC - ACRP

Project duration: 11.2021 to 11.2024


Glaser M., Berg C., Buldrini F., Buholzer S., Bürger J. & Chiarucci A. et al. (2022): AgriWeedClim database: A repository of vegetation plot data from Central European arable habitats over 100 years. Applied Vegetation Science 25(e12675), 1-13, doi: 10.1111/avsc.12675.

Glaser M., Dullinger S., Moser D., Wessely J., Chytrý M., Lososová Z., Axmanová I., Berg C., Bürger J., Buholzer S., Buldrini F., Chiarucci A., Follak S., Küzmič F., Meyer S., Pyšek P., Richner N., Šilc U., Steinkellner S., Wietzke A., Essl F. (2024): Pronounced turnover of vascular plant species in Central European arable fields over 90 years. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 361, 108798,

Follak S., Glaser M., Griesbacher A., Essl F. (2024): Crops gone wild - weedy Helianthus annuus in Austria. BioInvasions Records 13, 565-576.

Follak S., Chapman D., Schwarz M., Essl, F. (2023): An emerging weed: rapid spread of Solanum carolinense in Austria. BioInvasions Records 12, 649-658.

Glaser M., Essl F., Follak S. (2024): Austrian farmers perception of new weeds. Plant-Environment Interactions. Plant-Environment Interactions (Early view),

Follak S., Essl F., Glaser M. (2023): Weed flora in transition. The Plant Doctor 76(11-12), pp. 7-9.

Glaser M., Follak S., Essl F. (2024): How do domestic farms deal with the "newcomers"? Agriculture May/2024, 34-35.

Last updated: 24.10.2024

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