Health for humans, animals & plants

2024 tick study: 20 % carriers of Borrelia bacteria

One in five ticks in Austria could transmit borrelia to humans. This is the first result of our tick study, which was launched a year ago.

For the study, we analysed 1,420 ticks from all federal states. More than half of the ticks came from Lower Austria.

All ticks were morphologically identified. The genus Ixodes, to which the common wood tick(Ixodes ricinus) also belongs, was by far the most common tick species in Austria with 87 per cent. But there were also rare specimens: two ticks of the species Ixodes acuminatus were found on a cat in Lower Austria - the first detection in Austria since the 1970s.

1,411 ticks were subsequently analysed for borrelia. These bacteria cause Lyme disease in humans, which can lead to long-lasting symptoms if left untreated. Borrelia bacteria were detected in one in five ticks. Borrelia bacteria are mainly transmitted in Austria by the common wood tick, especially by its nymphs. This is the second developmental stage of a tick. Borrelia are only transmitted from the tick to humans after a few hours. As the nymphs are still quite small, they are more easily overlooked than adult ticks, which are usually removed more quickly.

Citizen science: everyone can participate in research

The study was conducted as part of the OH SURVector research project. The project is designed as a citizen science project: Anyone who wants to participate can take part in the ongoing studies.

Ticks can be handed in at the following sand locations:

  • Vienna: AGES, Währinger Straße 25a, 1090 Vienna. Please deposit directly in the tick drop-off box to the right of the entrance (around the clock)
  • Lower Austria: AGES, Robert Koch Gasse 17, 2340 Mödling
  • Upper Austria: AGES, Wieningerstraße 8, 4020 Linz, drop-off option Mon-Thu 7:30-15:30 and Fri 7:30-15:00
  • Salzburg: AGES, Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 47, 5020 Salzburg, delivery possible Mon-Thu 8:00-16:00 and Fri 8:00-12:00
  • Styria: AGES, Beethovenstraße 6, 8010 Graz, drop-off option Mon-Fri 7:00-15:00 at the registration desk

Please provide the following information when handing in ticks:

  • Date (date of discovery or removal)
  • Postcode and place/area where the tick was found (as precise as you know and wish to provide)
  • Was the tick removed from a host (human, animal)? If yes, from which one?

AGES Wissen aktuell: Tick monitoring in Austria - Annual report 2024

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