Once again, people had to be hospitalised because they had consumed products containing psychoactive mushroom poisons such as psilocybin or muscimol - a dangerous trend that can lead to serious health problems. Consumers should therefore not consume such products under any circumstances to protect their own health.
These products can be purchased from online shops, but occasionally also from vending machines. They are often sold as non-food items, e.g. as souvenirs or collector's items. Sometimes they are also labelled with notes such as "Not for consumption". However, as they look like fruit gums or chocolate, they can be very dangerous, especially for small children. Cases are known throughout Europe where adolescents and adults have had to be hospitalised after consuming such products.
AGES therefore urgently warns against the consumption of such products. The products contain certain amounts of mushroom toxins that can trigger symptoms of poisoning. These include hallucinations such as coloured illusions, a feeling of weightlessness and euphoria. Poisoning can lead to nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea as well as dizziness and increased salivation. Psychoses have been described, as has circulatory failure. Large doses can cause muscle twitching, confusion, abdominal pain and agitation, which can lead to unconsciousness or coma.
Companies that place such products on the market can face legal penalties, as the products are generally considered to be harmful to health.