Health for humans, animals & plants

Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch visits AGES Daughters' Day

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Company Events

AGES has participated in the annual Daughters' Day since 2005. Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch visited the 60 schoolgirls between the ages of 11 and 13, who gained an overview of scientific and technical professions.

"I am pleased that AGES has been participating in this important campaign for many years. Research, innovation and science all need bright minds and young talent, so they also need more women. This is not the only reason why it must be our goal to inspire young girls in particular to enter the STEM field. Moreover, this is an equality issue: any action that helps to break down stereotypes and ensure that we no longer talk about 'classic male and classic female professions' is therefore an important contribution," said the Minister of Social Affairs.

Whether it is pathogens in animals, humans or plants, counterfeit medicines, residues in food, soil and seed testing or radiation protection: AGES is always involved in preventing and containing possible risks for humans, animals and plants and thus ensuring greater safety for consumers in Austria. "To ensure this, AGES analyzes, monitors, researches and communicates 365 days a year," say AGES Managing Directors Anton Reinl and Thomas Kickinger.

AGES occupational fields: Between drug analysis and zoonoses

For one morning, the schoolgirls explored the laboratories and departments at AGES. Student Jana-Maria was surprised at how many different tasks AGES has: "We heard exciting things about food analysis, biology, nutrition, pharmacy, analytical technology, radiation protection and agricultural science. I'm especially interested in health topics."

Get a taste of the profession through an internship

Whether in the laboratory, as an expert witness, in research or as an expert in national and international scientific committees - AGES offers scientifically interested people an exciting field of activity. Students from the age of sixteen have the opportunity to do a holiday internship at AGES.

AGES - More room for women in science

Determining residues in food, monitoring plant pests and infectious diseases in humans and animals, analyzing medicines or identifying and assessing potential risks in the food chain are activities that, at first glance, are not necessarily considered typical for women. At AGES, however, they are largely performed by women. More than half of the employees are female, and among the 20-year-olds the share of women is as high as 82 percent. 58 percent of AGES experts are female.

AGES is a family-friendly employer

Central points of corporate management are the advancement of women, gender mainstreaming goals, and the compatibility of family and career in order to achieve equality at AGES.

| 3 min read
Company Events

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