Health for humans, animals & plants

Food Safety Report 2022

| 1 min read

In 2022, we and the inspection bodies of the provinces of Carinthia and Vorarlberg examined and assessed 22,200 samples. In 18,841 samples (84.9 %) there was no reason for complaint. A total of 110 samples (0.5%) were found to be harmful to health.

As every year, the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection publishes the Food Safety Report (LMSB). It summarizes the results of official food and company inspections - along the entire food chain, from direct agricultural marketers to trade and industry to retail and gastronomy.

The food safety report interactive opens up new possibilities for consumers to obtain even better information about food safety: Among other things, it enables easy comparison over several years, selection by commodity groups or reasons for complaints, and differentiation by production type (conventional/organic).

22,200 samples were examined and assessed by us and the inspection bodies of the states of Carinthia and Vorarlberg. The proportion of rejected samples was 15.1%. This means that the reject rate was slightly lower than last year. The examination and appraisal of 18,841 samples (84.9%) gave no cause for complaint. A total of 110 samples (0.5%) were assessed as harmful to health, and 536 samples (2.4%) were assessed as unfit for human consumption/unfit for intended use. The most common reasons for complaint were labeling deficiencies and information suitable to mislead in 1,993 samples (9.0%).

More information:

Food Safety Report 2022 Interactive

Food Safety Report 2022

Food inspection - from the field to the plate

| 1 min read

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