Health for humans, animals & plants

Foodborne Listeria Outbreak

| 1 min read

The Ministry of Health has commissioned AGES to investigate a suspected foodborne outbreak. The outbreak is caused by listeria.

In the course of the cluster analyses routinely performed by AGES, it was determined that eight human illnesses occurring since 2020 were attributable to an identical strain of Listeria(L. monocytogenes SgIVb/ST1/CT6568).

In the course of the regulatory clarification, the presence of a foodborne disease outbreak across federal states was suspected. The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Long-Term Care and Consumer Protection (BMSGPK) immediately commissioned AGES to investigate the suspicion. The investigation is currently underway.

The investigations carried out so far point to an establishment in Lower Austria. The responsible food supervision of the province of Lower Austria has immediately initiated appropriate measures: Already delivered products are recalled by the company, newly produced products may only be placed on the market after a negative expert opinion on listeria is available and after approval by the food supervisory authority.

The clarification of this suspicion is being carried out in close cooperation between AGES, BMSGPK and the relevant state authorities.

| 1 min read

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