Health for humans, animals & plants

4 February: World Cancer Day

| 1 min read
Human Environment

World Cancer Day takes place every year on 4 February. Its aim is to raise public awareness of cancer prevention, research and treatment.

Early detection and prevention are also important topics for us in radiation protection. For example, we run the Austrian specialist centre for radon and the reference centre for technical quality assurance in the breast cancer screening programme.

Breast cancer screening is life prevention

The Reference Centre for Technical Quality Assurance (RefZQS) at AGES carries out the technical quality control for the Austrian Breast Cancer Screening Programme (BKFP). The reference centre thus ensures compliance with the high quality standards for the X-ray and ultrasound equipment used by participating doctors. The aim is to reduce breast cancer mortality and improve the chances of a cure for women in Austria.

Radon protection is health protection

Breathing radon and its harmful by-products over a longer period of time increases the risk of developing lung cancer. After smoking, radon is the most common cause of lung cancer.

How to reduce your risk:

  1. Find out more from the radon specialist centre at
  2. Take precautionary measures for new buildings.
  3. Measure radon in your living area.
  4. Take action if the levels are elevated!

Radon is only a problem if you do nothing about it!

| 1 min read
Human Environment

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