Health for humans, animals & plants

1st International Plant Health Day

| 2 min read
Human Plant Environment

We contribute to the protection of crop production from the introduction and spread of dangerous quarantine pests, because healthy plants are a prerequisite for the production of high-quality food.

Today marks the first International Day of Plant Health (IDPH) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO) under the theme "Protecting plants, protecting life." Following the International Year of Plant Health 2020, the annual day aims to raise awareness that healthy plants serve to end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment and promote economic development. International plant health standards, effective monitoring and controls are foundations for sustainable crop protection and plant health.

These important tasks are also at the heart of our activities. The risk of introducing new pests to Europe and subsequently to Austria has increased in recent decades due to increasing global trade and rapid transportation as well as the effects of climate change. By protecting Austrian plant production from the introduction and spread of dangerous quarantine pests (insects, mites, viruses, bacteria, fungi, invasive plants), we create the conditions for ensuring healthy plants. We are EU reference laboratory for insects and mites together with the French sister organization ANSES since 2019.

Services for farmers, home and allotment gardeners

We test plants, plant parts, planting material and soil for diseases and pests.

Our pest database provides detailed information on a wide range of pests.

The Plant Health Warning Service provides early information on the occurrence of plant pests and diseases in fruit, wine, field, vegetable and ornamental plant cultivation. Online and by newsletter, users can get tips on preventing and controlling pests. The list of alerts includes insects, mites, fungi, mollusks, invasive plants and weeds, and voles, as well as climate-related or cultivation-related tips such as frost.

| 2 min read
Human Plant Environment

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