New nutritional recommendations

The food we eat and how it is produced affects not only our health, but also the environment. Food is grown, processed, transported, delivered, prepared and sometimes thrown away. Each of these steps produces greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and therefore climate change. Around a third of all greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are attributable to food production and the resulting diets.

We have therefore included climate and health parameters in the new Austrian dietary recommendations. In cooperation with the Austrian Society for Nutrition on behalf of Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, we have derived omnivorous and vegetarian dietary recommendations for Austria using a scientific calculation method and with the involvement of (inter)national experts and members of the National Nutrition Commission.

Ministry of Health: Austrian dietary recommendations NEW

General nutritional recommendations

Food group General recommendations
Non-alcoholic drinks 6 portions / day
Vegetables and fruit 5 portions / day
Cereals and potatoes 4 portions / day
Fats and oils 2 portions / day
Milk and dairy products 2 portions / day
Pulses and products made from them 3 portions / week
Meat and fish 1 portion of meat + 1 portion of fish + optionally 1 portion of meat or fish per week
Eggs 3 portions / week
Fatty, sweet, savoury rarely


Vegetarian dietary recommendations

Food group Vegetarian recommendations
Non-alcoholic drinks 6 portions / day
Vegetables and fruit 5 portions / day
Cereals and potatoes 5 portions / day
Milk and dairy products 3 portions / day
Fats & oils 2 portions / day
Pulses and products made from them 4 portions / week
Eggs 4 portions / week
Fatty, sweet, savoury rarely


Last updated: 26.07.2024

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