Health for humans, animals & plants

Titanium dioxide in fine bakery products, desserts, confectionery, chewing gum, fixed products and food supplements

| 1 min read
Vegetable food

Final report of the priority action A-031-23

The aim of the focus campaign was to check whether the goods on the market in Austria meet the legal requirements for the food colouring titanium dioxide (E 171), which is no longer permitted.

73 samples from all over Austria were analysed. Five samples were rejected:

  • Four samples were produced after the ban on the use of the colouring titanium dioxide (E 171) came into force
  • In one sample, the colouring was not declared

The results of the campaign show that a few foodstuffs coloured with titanium dioxide are still on the market in Austria, some of which were produced after the ban on its use came into force.

| 1 min read
Vegetable food

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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