Health for humans, animals & plants

Microbiology of beverages made from water with additions such as herbs/vegetables/fruit.

| 1 min read
Main focus Drinks Microbiology

Final report of the priority action A-034-18

The action was carried out to obtain information on the hygiene status of beverages made from water with added ingredients such as herbs, vegetables or fruit in food retail and catering. 75 samples from all over Austria were examined.

  • Nine samples were objected to because the maximum levels for the microbiological parameters yeasts or molds were exceeded.

This type of beverage is made from still mineral water or tap water to which fruits, herbs or vegetables are added. In catering establishments, they are usually sold open, while in the grocery trade they have a use-by date of a few days in the refrigerated section. Decisive for the microbiological quality are hygienic preparation and the use of single-wall ingredients.

| 1 min read
Main focus Drinks Microbiology

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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