Health for humans, animals & plants

Isothiazolinones in cosmetic products

| 1 min read
Main focus Cosmetician

Final report of the priority action A-026-19

The objective of the focus action was to review the implementation of the legal requirements for isothiazolinones (methylchloroisothiazolinones MCI, methylisothiazolinone MI and benzisothiazolinones BIT) in cosmetic products. These are preservatives that can trigger allergic reactions.

28 samples from three German states were tested. Eight samples were rejected:

  • Methylisothiazolinone (MI) was detected in two samples (body cream, skin care cream). MI is prohibited in cosmetic products that remain on the skin
  • four products were objected to due to misleading claims (advertising statements)
  • one product lacked notification according to Article 13 of the Cosmetics Regulation
  • one heat cream was not classified as a cosmetic product due to its overall presentation. MI and MCI were indicated in the list of ingredients, but according to the results of the analysis these preservatives were not detected.

Due to the significant increase in sensitization to isothiazolinones (methyliso-thiazolinone MI, methylchloroisothiazolinone MCI), their use in cosmetic products that remain on the skin or in the hair (leave-on products) and wet wipes has no longer been permitted since February 12, 2017.

| 1 min read
Main focus Cosmetician

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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