Health for humans, animals & plants

Hydrogen cyanide and cadmium in ground flaxseed - Monitoring

| 1 min read
Main focus Vegetable food

Final Report of Priority Action A-003-20

The aim of the monitoring action was to obtain an overview of the hydrocyanic acid and cadmium content of ground linseed. Furthermore, the labeling regarding the application of the warning label according to the action values for certain contaminants in food should be checked. 59 samples from all over Austria were examined. As this was a monitoring action, no sample was objected to.

  • The hydrocyanic acid content of the 59 samples ranged from 123 to 423 mg/kg.
  • In 18 of 59 samples (30.5%) a warning was already declared according to ÖLMB.
  • In 40 of 59 samples (67.8 %), a warning was written due to the prussic acid content in connection with the missing warning according to ÖLMB. A transitional period until the end of May was recommended for label adjustment.
  • In five of 59 samples (8.5%), the cadmium content was above the action value of 0.3 mg/kg according to ÖLMB. The maximum cadmium content was 0.466 ± 0.070 mg/kg, which was considered to be of no toxicological concern.
  • One sample was not assessed, as it was a medicinal product according to the labeling.
| 1 min read
Main focus Vegetable food

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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