Health for humans, animals & plants

Authenticity of ham and sheep cheese in gastronomy

| 2 min read
Main focus Animal food

Final report of the priority action A-028-19

The aim of this focus action was to check dishes from the catering trade that were advertised as "with ham" or "with sheep's cheese". The aim was to check whether ham and sheep's cheese were actually used in the production of these dishes and not a product similar to ham or sheep's cheese (= analogue product).

88 samples from all over Austria were tested (30 samples of sheep cheese and 58 samples of ham). A total of 67 samples were objected to:

  • 24 samples designated as "sheep's cheese" were soft cheeses made from pasteurized cow's milk
  • 43 samples labeled as "ham" did not comply with the regulations for ham (27 samples) or were poultry cooked cured products (16 samples).

In sheep cheese, a small proportion (= 1%) of cow's milk, which is technologically unavoidable, is tole-rated. However, if the milk content of an animal species is less than 10 %, this animal species must not be tolled. If sheep cheese is used in gastronomy, it must not be a mixed cheese (consisting of milk from different animal species).

The designation ham may only be used for large, grown pieces of leg meat that have been stuffed or placed in molds, casings or nets (e.g. leg ham, pressed ham with a prominent designation). Hams made from smaller pieces of leg meat may be called: toast ham, pressed ham without further designation, pizza ham and others.

| 2 min read
Main focus Animal food

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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