Products & Services
Our general list of services can be found at the bottom of this page under Downloads. For price information please contact us by mail: Please note that price information is only valid for the time of the request. Information about our services regarding accreditation can be found here.
TheGeneral Terms and Conditions of AGES apply.
Should there be any examination requests that you do not find in this list of services, or should any questions arise, we will be happy to answer them and perform additional examinations. Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. We offer advice and assistance in interpreting findings and in selecting, collecting and shipping specimens. Get in contact withus
You can find more current offers and other services here.
Products & services in the accredited area
The three institutes of the business area Animal Health in Mödling, Linz and Innsbruck as well as the Department of Veterinary Microbiology of the Center for Foodborne Infectious Diseases in Graz at the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene Graz are accredited as testing laboratories according to EN ISO/IEC 17025 "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories" by the national accreditation body "Accreditation Austria" of the BMAW
With the accreditation and the quality management implemented by AGES, the veterinary testing laboratories were able to prove that the tasks assigned to them are carried out with a high level of competence and reliability. This is a prerequisite for the provision of services in diagnostics.
Our services are based on the requirements of quality, transparency, traceability and impartiality stated in EN ISO/IEC 17025, in the Accreditation Act and in national and European legal texts. Our Austrian test reports are put on an equal footing with foreign ones by the accreditation within the EU.
Regular contact with customers, annual internal and external reviews (audits), annual assessments of the QMS and standardized mechanisms to combat errors ensure continuous improvement or optimization of testing activities.
The scope of accreditation of the testing laboratories of the individual institutes of the Animal Health Business Unit (AA 0452): Mödling, Linz and Innsbruck as well as the testing laboratory IMED Graz (Public Health Business Unit) can be found under Accredited Testing and Inspection Laboratories of the BMDW / Accreditation Austria.
In addition to accredited services, the sites also offer non-accredited services.
Current offers can be found here.
Forms and information on proper sample shipment can be found here.
Scope of services offered by the individual AGES institutes for veterinary examinations and the Department of Veterinary Microbiology (VEMI), opening hours and contact address:
Examinations according to accredited procedures
- Investigations for BSE of dead and slaughtered cattle, identification of cattle
- Investigations for scrapie in small ruminants, genotyping of the prion protein in small ruminants
- Investigations for chronic wasting disease (TSE in free-ranging red deer and gated deer)
- Investigations for brucellosis
- Bacteriological detection of intoxication blight, parar intoxication blight, CEM
- Molecular biological examination for rhinotracheitis (Clostridium chauvoei, C. septicum)
- Investigations for tuberculosis in cattle, wild boar and red deer
- Investigations for BHV-1 (IBR/IPV) and enzootic bovine leucosis (ERL)
- Investigations for avian influenza (AI), Newcastle disease (NCD) and psittacosis (chlamydia)
- Investigations for bluetongue disease (BTV)
- Investigations for BVD in cattle and BD in small ruminants
- Serological testing for border disease
- Rabies diagnostics (also for human medicine), rabies antibody determination for small animals
- Investigations for glanders, infectious anemia of solipeds and dourine
- Tests for foot-and-mouth disease (laboratory BSL 3+), stomatitis vesicularis, vesicular viral disease of pigs, rinderpest, plague of small ruminants, sheep and goat pox, lumpy skin disease, African horse sickness, African swine fever, pneumonic disease and rift valley fever
- Investigation of various diseases of pigs, especially Teschovirus Encephalomyelitis (= Enterovirus Encephalomyelitis, Teschen Disease or Contagious Porcine Paralysis), European Swine Fever (CSF), Aujeszky's disease
- Investigations of various pathogens in pigs: Influenza viruses (e.g. pandemic H1N1), leptospires, porcine coronaviruses.
- Investigations for anthrax and tularemia
- Investigations for West Nile virus in horses and birds
- Smallpox diagnostics (including human smallpox)
- Detection of salmonella within the framework of poultry hygiene regulations
- Special bacteriological examinations of animal test material (swabs, organs, fecal samples)
- Abortion pathogens in cattle / abortion diagnostics
- Microbiological meat examination
- Detection of inhibitors by means of biological inhibitor test
- Trichinella examination by means of digestion method
- Implementation of surveillance programs in the context of the EU-wide occurrence of various pathogens (e.g. AI, IBR, BTV etc.)
- Dissections of whole animal carcasses and organs or convolutes
- Parasitological examination of skin scrapings (mange)
- Serological detection of bacterial, parasitic and viral animal pathogens in ruminants and pigs (toxoplasmosis, CAE, MV, chlamydia, mycoplasma, babesia, coxial, paratuberculosis, APP, erysipelas, Pasteurella multocida)
- Histological examinations of animal specimens
- Selected immunohistochemical examinations
- Pathogen diagnostics (viruses, bacteria) by means of transmission electron microscopy (negative staining, sectioning technique)
- Investigations in the context of animal traffic (import, export, market and auction investigations)
Investigations according to non-accredited methods
- Special molecular biological analyses (classical PCR, real-time PCR, RFLP, sequencing, genotyping, phylogenetic analysis)
- Special molecular biological analyses of diarrheal pathogens in pigs: porcine rotaviruses, Brachyspira sp., Lawsonia sp.
- Antibiotic resistance testing (antibiogram preparation)
- Special virus isolation in egg and cell culture
- Special serological detection of bacterial and viral animal pathogens in poultry (CAV, AE, ILT, IBD, IB, APV, Mycoplasma, Salmonella)
- Special immunohistochemical and immunocytochemical methods
- Parasitological examinations from fecal samples
- Scanning electron microscopic and transmission electron microscopic examinations
- Participation and organization of national interlaboratory comparisons, participation in international interlaboratory comparisons, provision of experts, information of national laboratories and cooperation with EU-Community Reference Laboratories
- Maintenance of internal laboratory databases as a basis for epidemiological surveys on the occurrence of animal diseases in Austria
- Advice and assistance with inquiries from practicing veterinarians, cooperation with authorities and the animal health service
Here you will find contacts, opening hours and a map of the laboratory.
Examinations according to accredited procedures
- Serological tank milk and blood tests for brucellosis, IBR/IPV and leucosis
- Serological and molecular biological tests for bovine viral diarrhea (BVD)
- Serological and molecular biological tests for the causative agent of bluetongue (BTV)
- Serological investigations Schmallenberg virus
- Serological investigations in small ruminants for viral and bacterial pathogens (Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovis)
- Molecular biological tests (Campylobacter fetus subspecies, pestiviruses, Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Bluetongue virus (BTV), Salmonella, Lawsonia intracellularis, Schmallenberg virus, porcine coronaviruses)
- Microbiological meat testing
- Detection of inhibitors by means of biological inhibitor test
- Trichinella examination by means of digestion method
- Abortion pathogens in cattle / abortion diagnostics
- Clarification of suspected cases of animal diseases (Rauschbrand, poultry cholera)
- Paratuberculosis surveillance program in cattle, sheep, goats and farm game
- Pathological-anatomical examinations of animal carcasses and organ samples
- Microbiological examinations (except for fungal examinations)
- Salmonella examination private
- Examinations within the framework of animal traffic (import, export, market and auction examinations)
Examinations according to non-accredited procedures
- Special serological tests in small ruminants for viral and bacterial pathogens (Maedi-Visna, CAE, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis)
- Special serological blood tests in animals for the detection of viral and bacterial infectious diseases
- Histological examinations of animal specimens
- Antibiotic resistance testing (antibiogram preparation)
- Parasitological examinations from fecal samples
- Special molecular biological examinations
- Special molecular biological analyses of diarrheal pathogens in pigs: Brachyspira sp.
- Determination of pregnancy in cattle and goats from milk
- Consultation and assistance with inquiries from practicing veterinarians, cooperation with authorities and the animal health service
Here you will find contacts, opening hours and a map of the examination center.
Examinations according to accredited procedures
- Microbiological meat testing
- Detection of inhibitors by means of biological inhibitor test
- Trichinella examination by means of digestion method
- Abortion pathogens in cattle / abortion diagnostics
- Serological blood tests in cattle: Detection of antibodies against bluetongue virus, BHV-1, enzootic bovine leukosis virus and against Brucella abortus within the framework of the ordinance on mating diseases or of sales examinations and fairs
- Bovine viral diarrhea (BVDV): detection of antigen and antibodies from blood and tissue samples within the framework of eradication programs and for auctions and shows using ELISA and PCR
- Serological blood tests in small ruminants: monitoring of Brucella melitensis within the scope of the regulation for the whole of Austria, detection of Brucella ovis and Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis within the scope of health programs, for auctions and exhibitions
- Serological detection of antibodies against Mycobacterium paratuberculosis in ruminants
- Serological detection of antibodies against CAE/MVV virus
- Detection of bluetongue virus by PCR
- Differentiation of strains of Campylobacter fetus by PCR
- Differentiation of species of Trichinella larvae by PCR
- Dissection of whole animal carcasses, assessment of organs, in domestic, pet and wild animals
- Bacteriological examination of animal material (swabs, organs, fecal samples)
- Parasitological examination of skin scrapings (mange)
Examinations according to non-accredited methods
- Serological detection of pregnancy in cattle
- Antibiotic resistance testing (antibiogram preparation)
- Parasitological examinations from fecal samples
- Consultation and assistance with inquiries from practicing veterinarians, cooperation with authorities and the animal health service
Here you can find contacts, opening hours and a map of the testing center.
Examinations according to accredited procedures
- Microbiological meat testing
- Detection of inhibitors by biological inhibitor test
- Abortion pathogens in cattle
- Investigations within the framework of the zoonosis directive (isolation of verotoxin-forming E. coli, thermophilic Campylobacter, E.coli, Salmonella)
- Detection of Salmonella within the framework of the Poultry Hygiene Ordinance
- Bacteriological examination of animal test material (swabs, organs, fecal samples, etc.)
- Parasitological examination of skin scrapings (mange)
- Examination for salmonellae from animal examination material
- Removal of organs from animal carcasses for further examination
- Forwarding of samples and parts of samples to other AGES laboratories for further investigations (PCR; histology, etc.)
Examinations according to non-accredited procedures
- Antibiotic resistance testing (antibiogram preparation)
- Parasitological examinations from fecal samples
- Examination of poultry and fish
- Examination of hygienic samples (e.g. from slaughter rooms, meat surfaces)
- Examination of various animal meals
- Removal of organs from animal carcasses (poultry, fish) for further examinations
- Forwarding of samples and parts of samples to other AGES laboratories for further investigations (PCR; histology, fish water, etc.)
- Participation and organization of national proficiency tests, participation in international proficiency tests
- Advice and assistance with inquiries from practicing veterinarians, cooperation with authorities and the animal health service
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Friedrich Schmoll
- +43 50 555-38112
- +43 50 555-38529
2340 Mödling
Robert Koch-Gasse 17
Dr. Michael Dünser
- +43 50 555-45111
- +43 50 555-45109
4020 Linz
Wieningerstraße 8
Dr. Michael Dünser
- +43 50 555 71298
- +43 50 555-71333
6020 Innsbruck
Technikerstraße 70
Fachliche Leitung Abteilung
Dr. Tanja Urbanke
- +43 50 555-61208
8010 Graz
Beethovenstraße 6
Last updated: 16.01.2025
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