Health for humans, animals & plants

Authenticity of food (food fraud) and possible detection methods


13:00 to 17:00


AGES Wien 22

The trend towards authentic, regionally produced products continues unabated. In recent years, testing the authenticity of food has therefore become increasingly important due to international trade, complex flows of goods and media coverage of food adulteration.

Our seminar provides basic information on the current situation in the fight against food fraud and presents the current status of developments in detection methods for uncovering adulteration. The explosive nature of the topic is intensified by globalisation, fragmentation of the flow of goods, consumer expectations regarding transparency and new forms of adulteration and detection methods. Against this backdrop, expert knowledge will be presented in a compact and practical manner.

This kick-off event is the start of a training series on food fraud, which will take place quarterly on specialised topics from 2025.



  • Which methods are used to detect adulteration?
  • What methods are being developed for origin analysis?
  • How can fraudulent practices be recognised and combated?
  • How can origin analysis be integrated into an official control system?


You are also welcome to submit your questions in advance to The questions collected will be answered by the speakers during the seminar.


Target group

  • Entrepreneurs and employees of food producers and retailers who produce, trade or process foodstuffs
  • Laboratory staff and specialists
  • Interested specialist audience





Registration information

Please register by 28.11.2024 at the latest.

Limited number of participants!

This event will be held as a face-to-face event only.


Specialist management

Rupert Hochegger
Head of the Molecular and Microbiology Department
AGES, Food Safety Business Unit
Institute for Food Safety Vienna



Prof.Dr Stephan Hann
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Office of the Department of Chemistry
Institute of Analytical Chemistry

Stefano D'Amico, PhD
AGES, Food Safety Business Unit
Institute of Animal Nutrition and Feed
Feed Analysis and Technological Value Testing Department

Stefanie Dobrovolny, PhD
AGES, Food Safety Division
Institute for Food Safety Vienna
Molecular and Microbiology Division

Attila Domjan, PhD
AGES, Food Safety Division
Institute for Food Safety Linz
Food Analysis Department

DI Genia Hauer
AGES, Food Safety Division
Institute Competence Centre - Food Chain

Danijela Pajkic, MBA
AGES, Food Safety Division
Institute Competence Centre - Food Chain


More information

To the registration form


13:00 to 17:00


AGES Wien 22

Last updated: 13.04.2023

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