Health for humans, animals & plants

Control of crustaceans for treatment with ionizing radiation and for the addition of sulfite.

Final report of the priority action A-905-19

The aim of the focus action was to check for prohibited treatment of foodstuffs with ionizing radiation and for sulfite. Sulfite is used as an additive in the food industry and must also be labeled as an allergen above a concentration of 10 mg/kg, regardless of additive labeling.

27 samples from all over Austria were examined.

  • No sample was found to have been treated with ionizing radiation
  • Three samples had sulfite concentrations above 10 mg/kg. Since allergen labeling was missing, the samples were objected to

Sulfites are often used as preservatives (E 220 - E 224, E 226 - E 228). Sulfites are harmless to most people as they are rapidly degraded. However, in isolated cases, health problems (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and headaches) may occur due to reduced enzyme activity. So-called sulfite asthma may occur in asthmatics. In rare cases allergic or allergy-like reactions have been observed.

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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