Health for humans, animals & plants

Microbiology and heavy metals in drinking water in public buildings - monitoring

| 1 min read
Microbiology Pollutants

Final report of the priority action A-752-23

The aim of the focus campaign was to determine the possible contamination of drinking water with selected metals/heavy metals and the microbiological status throughout Austria. The main focus was on the quality of drinking water as it is used by consumers. Any adverse effects caused by the taps, pipes or stagnation of the water in the pipe were to be analysed.

208 samples from all over Austria were analysed, eight samples were rejected:

  • The parameter values for heavy metals were exceeded in four samples
  • The parameter values for heavy metals and microbiology were exceeded in one sample
  • The parameter values for microbiology were exceeded in three samples
| 1 min read
Microbiology Pollutants

Last updated: 18.07.2022

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