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Organic plant reproductive material database

Your search for Gemüse resulted in 214 hits (from 17.07.2024)

variety or OHM-name/
control number of
the lot
amount availability status
Brokkoli - Brassica oleracea
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.240.4/1009     21.03.2024
sold out
Sum Covina        
Sum Brokkoli total        
Buschbohne - Phaseolus vulgaris
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.065.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Maxi        
Sum Buschbohne total        
Chinakohl - Brassica rapa
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.957.1/1009     available Bio
Sum Bilko        
Sum Chinakohl total        
Eierfrucht - Solanum melongena
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.386.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Bartok        
Sum Eierfrucht total        
Endivie - Cichorium endivia
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/12     available Bio
Sum Anconi        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.011.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Eliance        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.044.5/3009     available Bio
Sum Nuance        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/11     09.07.2024
sold out
Sum Stratego        
Sum Endivie total        
Feldsalat - Valerianella locusta
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.880.1/1009     available Bio
Sum Clara        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.899.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Vit        
Sum Feldsalat total        
Fenchel - Foeniculum vulgare
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.713.5/3009     available Bio
Sum Dragon        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.712.8/3009     available Bio
Sum Preludio        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.710.4/3009     available Bio
Sum Solaris        
Sum Fenchel total        
Feuerbohne - Phaseolus coccineus
Lady Di
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.328.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Lady Di        
Sum Feuerbohne total        
Gurke - Cucumis sativus
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/88     available Bio
Sum Blueheaven        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/16     available Bio
Sum Cadence        
Dee Lite
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
01.429.4/0009     available Bio
Sum Dee Lite        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
01.430.0/1009     available Bio
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/22     available Bio
Sum Khassib        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/17     available Bio
Sum Verdon        
Sum Gurke total        
Karfiol - Brassica oleracea
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.080.6/1009     available Bio
Sum Flamenco        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.194.0/1009     available Bio
Sum Veronica        
Sum Karfiol total        
Karotte - Daucus carota
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.370.7/2009     available Bio
Sum Bangor        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.356.1/2009     10.04.2024
sold out
Sum Bengala        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.407.0/2009     26.03.2024
sold out
Sum Maestro        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.424.7/1009     available Bio
Sum Miami        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.526.8/2009     available Bio
Sum Yellowstone        
Sum Karotte total        
Kerbel - Anthriscus cerefolium
Fijne Krul
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.955.4/0009     available Bio
Sum Fijne Krul        
Sum Kerbel total        
Kochsalat - Lactuca sativa
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.900.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Forellenschluß        
Sum Kochsalat total        
Kohlrabi - Brassica oleracea
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/1     available Bio
Sum Eder        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.023.2/1009     08.04.2024
sold out
Sum Kolibri        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.017./1009     available Bio
Sum Korist        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.028.7/1009     available Bio
Sum Kossak        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/2     available Bio
Sum Lech        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.029.4/1009     available Bio
Sum Vikora        
Sum Kohlrabi total        
Kopfsalat - Lactuca sativa
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.630.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Admiral        
Neusiedler Gelber Winter
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.877.0/0009     available Bio
Sum Neusiedler Gelber Winter        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.678.3/3009     available Bio
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/37     available Bio
Sum Tralex        
Sum Kopfsalat total        
Kuerbis - Cucurbita pepo
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.133.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Amoro        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.124.6/0009     available Bio
Sum Fenna        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.167.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Fictor        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.228.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Keesha        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.102.4/0009     available Bio
Sum Lingodor        
Ola Escaladora
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.222.9/0009     available Bio
Sum Ola Escaladora        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.229.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Satelite        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.181.9/0009     available Bio
Sum Solor        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.220.5/1009     available Bio
Sum Tempra        
Uchiki Kuri
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.185.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Uchiki Kuri        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.108.6/0009     available Bio
Sum Yellowfin        
Sum Kuerbis total        
Mangold - Beta vulgaris
Rhubarb Chard
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.275.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Rhubarb Chard        
Sum Mangold total        
Oelkuerbis - Cucurbita pepo
Retzer Gold
ReinSaat GmbH
A3A0155 200 kg available Bio
Sum Retzer Gold 200   200  
Sum Oelkuerbis total 200   200  
Paprika - Capsicum annuum
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/94     available Bio
Sum Agostini        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/4     available Bio
Sum Allrounder        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/95     available Bio
Sum Alzamora        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.637.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Arwen        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.529.9/0009     available Bio
Sum Austrocapi        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.563.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Bendigo        
Chili-AS Rot
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.659.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Chili-AS Rot        
Cuccino Orange
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.595.4/0009     available Bio
Sum Cuccino Orange        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/5     available Bio
Sum Davos 16.980   16.980  
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.613.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Elsa        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.573.2/1009     available Bio
Sum Fiesta        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.639.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Flynn        
Gelber Block
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.533.6/0009     available Bio
Sum Gelber Block        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.572.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Gialte        
Halblanger Vulkan
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.663.0/0009     available Bio
Sum Halblanger Vulkan        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.614.2/0009     available Bio
Sum Ilyn        
Koh Chang
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.687.6/0009     available Bio
Sum Koh Chang        
Koh Tao
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.701.9/0009     available Bio
Sum Koh Tao        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.616.6/0009     available Bio
Sum Kyra        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.617.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Lilo        
Milder Spiral
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.667.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Milder Spiral        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/6     available Bio
Sum Nagano        
Neusiedler Ideal
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.536.7/0009     22.02.2024
sold out
Sum Neusiedler Ideal        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.611.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Olly        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/8     available Bio
Sum Palermo        
Palermo Rashford
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/98     available Bio
Sum Palermo Rashford        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.638.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Radja        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/7     available Bio
Sum Redline        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/9     available Bio
Sum Redwing        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.599.2/0009     available Bio
Sum Waldo        
WE 880
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.538.1/0009     available Bio
Sum WE 880        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.657.9/0009     available Bio
Sum Xaro        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.649.4/0009     available Bio
Sum Zazu        
Ziegenhorn Bello
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.669.2/0009     available Bio
Sum Ziegenhorn Bello        
Sum Paprika total        
Petersilie - Petroselinum crispum
Gigante d'Italia
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.797.2/0009     available Bio
Sum Gigante d'Italia        
Sum Petersilie total        
Porree - Allium porrum
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.819.1/1009     14.12.2023
sold out
Sum Impala        
Sum Porree total        
Radieschen - Raphanus sativus
Wiener Rotes Treib
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.955.6/2009     available Bio
Sum Wiener Rotes Treib        
Sum Radieschen total        
Rettich - Raphanus sativus
Wiener Runder Kohlschwarzer
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.122.1/2009     available Bio
Sum Wiener Runder Kohlschwarzer        
Sum Rettich total        
Riesenkuerbis - Cucurbita maxima
Blue Ballet
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.100.0/1009     available Bio
Sum Blue Ballet        
Flexi Kuri
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.104.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Flexi Kuri        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.087.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Leckør        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
03.204.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Tractor        
Sum Riesenkuerbis total        
Rote Ruebe - Beta vulgaris
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.193.1/1009     available Bio
Sum Boro        
Sum Rote Ruebe total        
Rotkraut - Brassica oleracea
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/82     available Bio
Sum Futurima        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.643.3/1009     available Bio
Sum Integro        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.641.9/1009     available Bio
Sum Klimaro        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.702.7/1009     available Bio
Sum Travero        
Sum Rotkraut total        
Salat - Lactuca sativa
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.330.0/3009     available Bio
Sum Analotta        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/101     available Bio
Sum Antaine        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
    available Bio
Sum Aqualie        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/93     available Bio
Sum Barlach        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/67     available Bio
Sum Basilio        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/80     available Bio
Sum Beronas        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
    available Bio
Sum Calesita        
Chinesische Keule
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
06.814.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Chinesische Keule        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/85     available Bio
Sum Clarinski        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/49     08.07.2024
sold out
Sum Concentrus        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/25     available Bio
Sum Concretion        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/ 69     available Bio
Sum Corianas        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.378.2/3009     available Bio
Sum Danilo        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/39     14.12.2023
sold out
Sum Diamantinas        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.428.4/3009     available Bio
Sum Dicata        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.638.7/3009     21.06.2024
sold out
Sum Eduardo        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/26     available Bio
Sum Elicio        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/83     available Bio
Sum Evionas        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.323.2/3009     available Bio
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/27     available Bio
Sum Expertise        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/87     available Bio
Sum Gabita        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/33     available Bio
Sum Gilmore        
Grazer Krauthäuptel 2
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.670.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Grazer Krauthäuptel 2        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/41     available Bio
Sum Gustinas        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.326.3/3009     available Bio
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/53     available Bio
Sum Hawking        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/29     available Bio
Sum Impression        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/42     available Bio
Sum Jasperinas        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/30     available Bio
Sum Jerrican        
Kagraner Sommer
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.728.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Kagraner Sommer        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/43     available Bio
Sum Kirinia        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/44     available Bio
Sum Kisheri        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/32     available Bio
Sum Kyra        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/54     available Bio
Sum Limassol        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/74     06.02.2024
sold out
Sum Limeira        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/55     available Bio
Sum Lisboa        
Lollo Bionda
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.411.6/0009     available Bio
Sum Lollo Bionda        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/81     available Bio
Sum Magniski        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/89     06.02.2024
sold out
Sum Malenita        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.752.0/3009     available Bio
Sum Marcord        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/34     available Bio
Sum Marinski        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/75     available Bio
Sum Monza        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/72     06.02.2024
sold out
Sum Neherai        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/90     available Bio
Sum Neurita        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/91     available Bio
Sum Nicodemus        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/68     available Bio
Sum Nolanie        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/50     available Bio
Sum Rawley        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/92     available Bio
Sum Rianxo        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/36     06.02.2024
sold out
Sum Rivalda        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.430.7/3009     20.12.2023
sold out
Sum Sinisa        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/46     available Bio
Sum Suyai        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.299.0/3009     05.04.2024
sold out
Sum Thea        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/73     available Bio
Sum Tombelo        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/66     available Bio
Sum Ulmo        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/31     14.12.2023
sold out
Sum Voltron        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.923.4/3009     available Bio
Sum Xoana        
Sum Salat total        
Salatgurke - Cucumis sativa
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/13     available Bio
Sum Addison        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/14     available Bio
Sum Aramon        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/15     available Bio
Sum Bluesbrother        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/24     available Bio
Sum Bonsoler        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/19     available Bio
Sum Climont        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/20     available Bio
Sum Cumlaude        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
01.427.0/0009     available Bio
Sum Katrina        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
01.439.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Picolino        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/23     available Bio
Sum Proloog        
Sum Salatgurke total        
Schalotte - Allium cepa - Aggregatum Gruppe
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.844.1/7009     available Bio
Sum Conservor        
Sum Schalotte total        
Schnittlauch - Allium schoenoprasum
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.114.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Staro        
Sum Schnittlauch total        
Schnittsalat - Lactuca sativa
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.334.8/3009     14.02.2024
sold out
Sum Admir        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.810.7/3009     05.04.2024
sold out
Sum Alonix        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/71     available Bio
Sum Kiela        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.304.1/3009     available Bio
Sum Mareika        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
04.979.1/3009     available Bio
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/35     available Bio
Sum Mineral        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/45     available Bio
Sum Renai        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/56     available Bio
Sum Traject        
Sum Schnittsalat total        
Sellerie - Apium graveolens
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.127.5/3009     available Bio
Sum Monarch        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.135.0/3009     available Bio
Sum Prinz        
Sum Sellerie total        
Sommerzwiebel - Allium cepa - Cepa Gruppe
Wiener Bronzekugel
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.657.7/7009     available Bio
Sum Wiener Bronzekugel        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.660.7/7009     available Bio
Sum Wiro        
Sum Sommerzwiebel total        
Sprossenkohl - Brassica oleracea
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.888.8/1009     available Bio
Sum Dagan        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.884.0/1009     available Bio
Sum Groninger        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.887.1/1009     available Bio
Sum Hemera        
Sum Sprossenkohl total        
Stangenbohne - Phaseolus vulgaris
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.053.2/0009     available Bio
Sum Markant        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
00.285.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Neckargold        
Sum Stangenbohne total        
Tomate - Solanum lycopersicum
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/77     available Bio
Sum Arvento        
Berner Rose
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.324.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Berner Rose        
Bolstar Gimli
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.494.8/0009     available Bio
Sum Bolstar Gimli        
Bolstar Granda
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.321.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Bolstar Granda        
Bolstar Sensatica
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.312.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Bolstar Sensatica        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/57     available Bio
Sum Cappricia 5.647   5.647  
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.448.1/0009     available Bio
Sum Codino        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.432.0/0009     available Bio
Sum Cubalibre        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.488.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Enroza        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/78     available Bio
Sum Gerdicia        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.450.4/0009     available Bio
Sum Hanami        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/59     available Bio
Sum Lyterno        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.434.3/0009     available Bio
Sum Maitai        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/60     available Bio
Sum Mecano        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.491.7/0009     available Bio
Sum Myriade        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/61     available Bio
Sum Procano        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/62     available Bio
Sum Roterno        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/64     available Bio
Sum Tomaranto        
Zieglers Fleisch
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.594.5/0009     available Bio
Sum Zieglers Fleisch        
Sum Tomate total        
Weisskraut - Brassica oleracea
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.364.7/1009     available Bio
Sum Amazon        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.380.7/1009     available Bio
Sum Expect        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.385.2/1009     available Bio
Sum Farao        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/3     available Bio
Sum Kalorama        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.558.0/1009     available Bio
Sum Typhoon        
Sum Weisskraut total        
Winterheckenzwiebel - Allium fistulosum
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.725.3/7009     available Bio
Sum Parade        
Sum Winterheckenzwiebel total        
Wirsingkohl - Brassica oleracea
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
02.732.4/1009     available Bio
Sum Famosa        
Rijk Zwaan Welver GmbH
1973.59514/79     available Bio
Sum Madlene        
Sum Wirsingkohl total        
Zichorie - Cichorium intybus
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.085.8/3009     12.06.2024
sold out
Sum Leonardo        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.105.3/3009     05.06.2024
sold out
Sum Sumero        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.104.6/3009     available Bio
Sum Uranus        
AUSTROSAAT Österr. Samenzucht- und Handels-AG
05.091.9/3009     available Bio
Sum Vespero        
Sum Zichorie total        

Legal matters

According to Regulation (EU) 2018/848, the use of plant reproductive material, including seeds, produced in accordance with the conditions of organic farming is mandatory. In order to make the availability of plant reproductive material of certain species or varieties transparent, Regulation (EU) 2018/848 stipulates the establishment of an organic plant reproductive material database. In addition, this regulation also regulates the procedural requirements in the event of non-availability of the crop species to be cultivated or of varieties that do not correspond.

Principles of the organic plant reproductive material database (formerly organic seed database)

The principles of the database are as follows:

  1. The database is available to the public free of charge.
  2. Entries concerning seeds are made party-specifically with the required information in accordance with EU Regulation 2018/848 as part of the seed certification and authorisation procedure.
  3. Registrations of species that are subject to the EC seed regulations (Seed Act 1997 in Austria), but are not subject to the seed certification and authorisation procedure in Austria, are made upon request (informally by email to biopvmaterialdatenbank@ages.at).
  4. Entries of species that are not subject to the EC seed regulations (Seed Act 1997 in Austria) are made by informal notification by e-mail to biopvmaterialdatenbank@ages.at (all botanical species, without restriction to the species list according to the Seed Ordinance).
  5. Any other plant propagation material such as cuttings/seedlings of fruit, vines, vegetable seedlings, ornamental seedlings and mushrooms can be registered using the form for the organic plant propagation material database

The requirements for registration in the database:

  • Conformity of production in accordance with EU Regulation 2018/848 is required for plant reproductive material.
  • In the case of seed, proof must be provided (automatically for seed and planting material certified or authorised in Austria) that the seed complies with the requirements of this law and thus with the relevant conditions for placing on the market under EC law, provided that the species is subject to the Seed Act 1997.
  • Conversion plant propagating material can also be included in the database and is labelled as such

Further information can be found here


Possibilities and procedure for registration in the organic plant reproductive material database.

Organic seed that is pending at the Federal Office for Food Safety as part of the certification and authorisation procedure (e.g. seed certification) is transferred directly to the database after the procedure has been successfully completed. If this is not desired by the applicant, this must be communicated in writing.

In the course of the seed certification procedure in cooperation with the organic inspection bodies, the demonstrable verification of seed production in accordance with EU Regulation 2018/848 is carried out on the basis of a certificate from an authorised organic inspection body. Conformity with EU Regulation 2018/848 for the seed lot in question is stated on the certificate of recognition or authorisation (notification) of seed. This also allows labelling as "organic seed" and with the code of the organic inspection body on the official label.

Procedure and information:

a) A written confirmation of the conformity of production in accordance with EU Regulation 2018/848 ("organic certificate") from the respective competent organic inspection body is required from each propagator from whom seed is presented for seed quality testing in a certification or authorisation procedure.

b) A valid certificate ("organic certificate") must be submitted to the Federal Office for Food Safety at the beginning of the season, at least with the first sample for seed certification in the "new" season, for each seed processing station within the meaning of §9 of the Seed Act 1997.

Special regulation: in the case of a larger number of organic propagations per applicant, a simplified procedure using EDP is offered. Details can be requested from the BAES

Organic seed of species that are subject to seed law but are brought from the EC area and are not subject to a procedure at the Federal Office, or organic seed from suppliers (traders) who are not responsible for the processing and certification of the goods, can be applied for registration by the seed supplier using a form.

The notification for such seed is made informally by e-mail (biopvmaterialdatenbank@ages.at) to the AGES - Institute for Seed and Seedlings, Plant Protection Service and Bees.

The following data must be sent to us for entry in the DB:

  • Contact details of the applicant
  • Crop type
  • Variety (the variety MUST be listed in the EU variety catalogue or another national variety catalogue, proof must be provided in case of doubt)
  • Date from when the batch is available
  • Organic inspection body code of the goods responsible for the producer
  • Quantity of the available goods in kg
  • Control number or unique batch designation
  • Status of the plant reproductive material (organic plant reproductive material or in-conversion plant reproductive material)
  • For entry in the plant reproductive material database, valid proof of organic status must be provided for each batch.
  • The following are valid proofs: an official label of the lot (original or photo) with the printed organic inspection centre code or a photo of the official label and the additional organic label, which shows that both labels are attached to the same bag.
  • Furthermore, a valid organic certificate from the seed processor must be provided.

Organic seed of species that are not subject to seed law can also be registered.

The application for entry in the organic plant reproductive material database is also made informally by email (biopvmaterialdatenbank@ages.at). In any case, proof of conformity of production with EU Regulation 2018/848 must be submitted (organic certificate of the producer). If such crops are to be registered, the data must be transmitted to us as explained in point 2.

Plant propagation material

With the validity of EU Regulation 2018/848, it is also possible to register any other organic plant reproductive material in the database in addition to seeds.

The application for registration in the organic plant reproductive material database is made by means of a completed form.

Please send the completed form to biopvmaterialdatenbank@ages.at so your application can be uploaded to the organic plant reproductive material database.

The registration of plant propagating material of fruits, vines, vegetables, ornamental plants and mushrooms is voluntary and free of charge. Changes regarding the availability of plant propagation material must be communicated to us promptly by the supplier.

Discharge from the organic plant propagation material database

  1. EU Regulation 2018/848 expressly stipulates that changes in the availability of a supplier's variety must be reported immediately to the database manager (AGES GmbH - Institute for Seed and Seedlings, Plant Protection Service and Bees). We ask you to pay particular attention to this point and to set up a corresponding flow of information so that no follow-up costs arise from a lack of up-to-date information.
  2. Notifications about the non-availability and a corresponding removal of varieties from the organic plant propagation material database can be reported informally by e-mail (biopvmaterialdatenbank@ages.at).

Content and info

The Federal Office for Food Safety (BAES) is the competent authority for the certification and authorisation of seeds and seedlings.

The certification of seed from and for organic farming requires special process control during the entire certification procedure. Not only is conformity with the relevant legal bases regarding the certification of seed checked, insofar as there are legal provisions on seed for the respective crop type, but also the fulfilment of the requirements for propagation areas, seed lots and processing stations within the meaning of EU Regulation 2018/848. This ensures the publication of all seed lots approved for organic farming in this organic plant propagation material database, as well as labelling on the official seed label.

Only those lots are listed in the database that have final positive recognition or authorisation and are intended for the final consumer, i.e. no propagating material (breeder, pre-basic and basic seed) is recorded.

The following data fields are specified in the database, which are also briefly explained below:


Variety Name of the variety with which it is listed in the respective list of varieties (Austrian or EU list of varieties).
Variety registration

Indicates the country (countries) in which the variety is listed. "AUSTRIA" stands for registration in the Austrian List of Varieties, which means that the variety has also been tested in Austria (see descriptive Austrian List of Varieties). "EU" indicates varieties that are only listed in the EU variety catalogue but have NOT been officially tested in Austria.


The company/person who applies for certification of the seed lot and places the seed on the market, at least for the first time. The applicant is often not the final seller.

Category Z/Z1 seed: Certified seed or 1st generation certified seed (= equivalent) - Label colour: BLUE
Control number of the lot

This number is used to uniquely identify the seed lot. This allows the origin and the link to the certificate of certification to be traced. This identity number is essential for any complaints. Note: Keep official seed labels = guarantee card for this purpose until harvest.


The status indicates whether it is organic plant propagating material ("organic"), in-conversion plant propagating material ("in-conversion") or a fodder plant seed mixture consisting of at least 70% organic components ("at least 70% organic").

Organic inspection body code is the code of the organic inspection body or inspection authority responsible for the conformity of the final processor (processor) of the seed in accordance with EU Regulation 2018/848.
Quantity The weight listed in the database is that which was present at the time of certification. In special cases, lot weights and lots already listed can be changed or even cancelled (e.g. withdrawals, category reclassifications, official cancellation of certification, etc.). In special cases (e.g. for vegetable seed), the lot weights may also be omitted.
Unit Kilogram, piece
Available from is the date from which the procedure at the Federal Office for Food Safety was successfully completed. The database entry is made automatically immediately after the decision is issued or the date reported to the Federal Office for Food Safety by the seed supplier as the availability date, provided that this seed is not subject to a certification or authorisation procedure at the Federal Office.
Available until This field provides information as to whether or until when the variety is still available from the respective applicant for seed certification or distributor based on their notification, or until when it was available. However, it is possible that this variety is still available from another applicant or distributor. No date in this field means that the variety is still available.
Contact details Company - Street/house number - Postcode/city - Telephone number - E-mail - Web


Organic seed multiplication plots

Seed lots cannot be included in the organic plant propagation material database until the certification procedure has been positively completed, i.e. the specified seed quality criteria have been demonstrably met. Only then may the seed be sold to the end user, the farmer. In order to provide a comprehensive overview of those varieties that were propagated in organic farming in the respective certification season, the varieties of all crop types propagated in organic farming in Austria are available.

It should be noted, however, that varieties are only actually available subject to a positive seed certification. Furthermore, the organic seed database may also contain seed of varieties that do not appear in the field certification areas, for example in the case of foreign propagations or overstocked seed.

Click here for the current organic seed multiplication areas.

Tariff of fees

According to EU Regulation 2018/848 Article 26, the inclusion of organic plant propagation material is voluntary and free of charge!

Reports Individual exemptions

Reports on the exemptions granted in accordance with EU Regulation 2018/848.

Contact us

Ing Ernestine Lippert

Miriam Lechner