Health for humans, animals & plants

Symposium on the 17th European Antibiotics Day


09:00 to 16:30


Hybrid: Online via Webex oder Festsaal der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien

The Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is organising a symposium to mark the 17th European Antibiotic Awareness Day.

The symposium will take place as a hybrid event .



  • Antibiotic resistance trends and emerging resistance in the EU/EEA: most recent data from ECDC
  • Successes and future goals of the Swiss Antibiotic Resistance Strategy (StAR)
  • EU-JAMRAI 2: European One Health concrete actions to tackle AMR
  • Biodiversity as an ecological barrier against the spread of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance in the environment (working title)
  • AURES 2023



  • Update on the epidemiology of multi-resistant pathogens in Austria
  • The "old" and the "new" antibiotics: for whom, when and how?
  • Increase in Group A Streptococcus (GAS) infections in Austria in the 2022/2023 season - a genome-based characterisation of invasive and non-invasive Streptococcus pyogenes isolates
  • EU-JAMRAI 2 work packages 6 & 7: AMS and IPC on the international stage
  • Prescribing practices in private practice: Initial ideas on the "deprescribing" of antibiotics
  • Status quo of the ministry: current developments



  • Antibiotic-resistant bacteria associated with wild animals
  • Prudent use of antimicrobials from a One Health approach, Spanish example
  • Susceptibility testing of clinical isolates of selected animal pathogenic bacteria
  • Veterinary antibiotic volume flows: current figures and further development of targeted analyses for veterinarians and farmers
  • Using antibiotics carefully: what is expected?
  • Dry-off treatment of dairy-cows - Methods to guide targeted antimicrobial use.

The detailed programme can be found here.


Target group

  • Doctors
  • Medical officers
  • Veterinarians, official veterinarians
  • Specialist experts
  • Representatives of authorities and medical institutions


Continuing education

A certificate of attendance will be issued by email following the training event.

For this event, DFP points are recognised by the Austrian Medical Association for doctors and specialists.

For veterinarians and veterinary specialists, educational hours are recognised in accordance with the educational regulations of the Austrian Veterinary Chamber.


Registration information

  • We kindly ask for registration by 12 November 2024 at the latest.
  • Registration for participation on site (limited number) or online (unlimited number) is possible.
  • After registering for online participation, a Webex link for participation will be sent to you by e-mail approximately one week before the video conference. In this e-mail you will also find instructions on how to participate in the video conference.
  • The link will only work if you are using Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and the Webex Client app.
  • By dialling in to the event, you consent to your name being streamed and being visible to all participants.


Sie sehen 3 Kreise, die ineinander verschmelzen. Im roten Kreis sehen Sie Menschen, im blauen Kreis Tiere und im grünen Kreis Pflanzen. In der Mitte treffen sich die Kreise, hier steht der Wortlaut

More information

To the registration form


09:00 to 16:30


Hybrid: Online via Webex oder Festsaal der Veterinärmedizinischen Universität Wien

Last updated: 13.04.2023

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