Health for humans, animals & plants

Representative (ISTA) sampling


09:00 to 17:00


AGES Wien 22

In this two-day course, you will learn the legal and technical principles for carrying out representative sampling and checking the labelling, packaging and sealing of seed. In addition, you will gain an insight into the practical aspects directly at a seed company on site.



  • Introduction to the legal framework
  • Imparting basic technical knowledge
  • Practical experience at a seed company on site (we ask you to have appropriate clothing ready)
  • Case studies on representative sampling including checking the labelling, packaging and sealing of seeds
  • Independent processing of case studies to prepare for the test in accordance with the Seed Act 1997 as amended
  • Special module on special requirements for ISTA accreditation for ISTA sampling


Target group

  • Persons whose scope of activities is subordinate to the 2nd and 3rd section of the Seed Act 2006 as amended


Target group ISTA sampling: Module starts on 21.11.2024 at 07:30!

  • Qualified persons for ISTA sampling





Registration information

Please register by 13.11.2024 at the latest.


Technical management and lecturer

Gero Wunderlich, Institute for Seed and Seedlings, Plant Protection Service and Bees, AGES
Phone: +43 50 555-34831, e-mail:




More information

To the registration form


09:00 to 17:00


AGES Wien 22

Last updated: 13.04.2023

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